What Is Window Frame? How to Do Window Frame?

What is window frame? Maybe some friends don't understand. Window frame is the decorative material wrapped around the window, which must have been remembered by everyone. Window frame can make the window look more beautiful as a whole. What is window frame for you today? How to do window frame?

What is window frame? Maybe some friends don't understand. Window frame is the decorative material wrapped around the window, which must have been remembered by everyone. Window frame can make the window look more beautiful as a whole. What is window frame for you today? How to do window frame?

What is window frame?

Window and door sets refers to the vertical surface of the two vertical sides of the door and window opening, which can highlight the outer wall to form a frame or be flush with the outer wall. It should not only be vertical and smooth, but also meet the level with the wall. Therefore, the quality requirements are very high. This is like a formal cover on the outer cover of doors and windows, which people are used to calling window and door sets.


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the role of window frame

1. Fill the gap to make up for air leakage and air leakage caused by insufficient sealing of the window frame, so as to keep the room warm.

2. It plays a fixed role and protects the window with window sill or the wall of bay window from being knocked. If only latex paint is applied, the window will be dusty and the wall will be easily stained with dust, which is difficult to clean.

3. Decorative effect. Window and door sets itself has a very prominent decorative effect. Window and door sets is one of the main contents of family decoration. Its shape, material and color have a very important influence on the style of the whole family decoration. Most families do window and door sets. Therefore, what kind of window and door sets they do determines the personality of home decoration to some extent.

How to do window frame?

Embedded wood brick: the window opening ensures the square and vertical, and the wood brick is embedded according to the design requirements, and anti-corrosion, fire prevention and insect prevention are well done; Install the frame of the shelf to make it smooth and firm, the gap is firmly connected by Wood pad.

Installation trim board: the color and pattern should be coordinated, and the joint position should avoid the sight level.

Face-sticking joint: the 45-degree angle is combined with the door and window cover to cover the plastered wall.


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do some Tips of window frame

1. Common materials covering window frame include: Board, solid wood, ceramic tile, stone, metal edge wrapping, etc.

2. For ordinary windows, it is recommended to wrap the inside and make a window cover line, which is dirt-resistant and easy to handle.

3. In addition to the exaggerated European window line, you can also choose the square flat and simple window frame, which can be made of plate stone or even stainless steel. The best color is the same as indoor door set.

4. If you want to dilute the effect of window frame, choose materials (baking paint plate, ceramic tile, stone, etc.) whose color is close to latex paint to achieve the line, and you can also chisel a certain depth in advance, finally, puttying and latex paint are scraped.

5. If it is a bay window, the window line can be wrapped without a bag, only the inner side can be wrapped. If it is stone or ceramic tile, the inner side and the closing edge of the wall can be rounded with ceramic tile or stone one side, and the appropriate bulge is 5mm, reserve the thickness of wall putty and latex paint.

6. If you are too lazy to take care of it at ordinary times, you can attach ceramic tiles or stone to the facade on both sides of the inner side. When you close the window at ordinary times, you will occasionally touch it, which is easy to transfer dust to both sides of the window, of course, if it is dark latex paint, it is not easy to see, or there are curtain on both sides.

7. On the premise of satisfying lighting and ventilation, cabinets can be used on both sides of the bay window to replace window frame, making full use of space.

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