Jinzhi Shangpin Doors and Windows: Have Your Doors and Windows Been Installed in Place?

The installation quality of door and window frame directly affects the firmness of the whole door and window. The inspection of door and window frame can be checked from its firmness, smoothness and tightness.

The installation of doors and windows in the new home is a very important thing, which is related to the safety of home life and the comfort of life in the future. Therefore, after the installation of doors and windows is completed, the appearance, profiles, hardware, opening and closing of doors and windows should be checked. Let's take a look at some practical inspection methods!

I. Inspection of door leaf and Casement

the appearance inspection of doors and windows includes whether there are cracks on the surface, deformation and installation inspection of window adhesive strips. The following are the specific operations of the inspection:

1. Appearance inspection

see whether the gloss and surface of doors and windows are obviously uneven in color. Use a ruler to measure whether the diagonal lines of doors and windows are consistent and see if there are scratches.

2. Seal inspection

the contact between sealant and glass and glazing rebate should be smooth, and the sealing strip should not be rolled or slotted. There should be no obvious gap at the joint between the layering and the profile.


(Photo source: Jinzhi Shangpin doors and windows public number, invasion and deletion)

II. Door and window frame inspection

the installation quality of door and window frame directly affects the firmness of the whole door and window. The inspection of door and window frame can be checked from its firmness, smoothness and tightness.

1. Border vertical flatness check

check the verticality range of the door and window frame with an infrared level meter. Generally, the allowable deviation of the verticality of the front and side of the door and window frame is 2.5mm, and the allowable horizontal deviation of the horizontal frame of the door and window is 2mm, the allowable deviation of horizontal frame height of doors and windows is 5mm, and the allowable deviation of vertical deviation from center of doors and windows is 5mm.

2. Strict density inspection of connection with wall

check whether the joints between the frame of doors and windows and the wall are tight, and whether the sealant at the joints is well laid.


(Photo source: Jinzhi Shangpin doors and windows public number, invasion and deletion)

III. Lock inspection

1. Lock installation inspection

first, check whether the installation position of lock is correct, and check whether the installation positions on both sides of the lock correspond and whether there is any dislocation. Shake lock with your hands to see if there is any loose phenomenon.

2. Lock usage check

check the flexibility of door lock activity and whether the anti-lock and unlocking actions can be carried out smoothly; Then check the window, close the window lock, push the moving window by hand, and check whether the window can be locked or not.


(Photo source: Jinzhi Shangpin doors and windows public number, invasion and deletion)

IV. Inspection of doors and windows

finally, check the opening and use of doors and windows, including whether the opening and closing of doors and windows are stable and whether there is abnormal shaking after the doors and windows are locked. Shake the doors and windows back and forth with your hands, and feel whether the doors and windows are under abnormal resistance and sound during the shaking process; You can change the strength of the windows and check whether the doors and windows can withstand different forces. Close the doors and windows to check whether the doors and windows are sealed with the border. Sliding door check the push and pull strength and whether it is smooth.


(Photo source: Jinzhi Shangpin doors and windows public number, invasion and deletion)

(Article Source: Jinzhi Shangpin doors and windows public number, invasion and deletion)