Don't Ask the Top Ten Brands of Doors and Windows Again, Look at the Story of the Successful Joining of Yiluo De

If you want to be an agent for joining doors and windows, you must be very concerned about the top ten brands of doors and windows in China. If you want to know whether the brands are good or not. In fact, if you join a brand, you can see what the dealer says. Today, we will bring you an excellent brand in the top ten famous brands of Chinese doors and windows-the joining story of Jiangsu Rugao, Germany doors and windows, Yiluo.

If you want to be an agent for joining doors and windows, you must be very concerned about the top ten brands of doors and windows in China. If you want to know whether the brands are good or not. In fact, if you join a brand, you can see what the dealer says. Today, we will bring you an excellent brand in the top ten famous brands of Chinese doors and windows-the joining story of Jiangsu Rugao, Germany doors and windows, Yiluo.

别再问中国门窗十大名牌排名了,看看伊洛德成功加盟故事吧_1(Image Source: Yiluo German doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

initial impression of the brand:

jiangsu Ruyi agent: "When I first inspected the doors and windows of Germany in Yiluo, I was still a little hesitant. After all, I invested all my savings at once. Later, I gradually got a certain understanding of the agent aluminum alloy doors and windows industry. I think all aspects of Yiluo German doors and windows are quite guaranteed, and the support for agent aluminum alloy doors and windows dealers is also quite good, very thoughtful and responsible ".

[Join intention form] yiluode2016[/join intention form]

what are the core elements of being willing to choose to join the brand?

Rugao agent: "The predecessor has been in the door and window industry for 7 years and has enough experience and strength. This also made the Yiluo German brand a strong landing in the building materials industry. After innovation and reform, it became a brand-new independent high-end brand of doors and windows with abundant resources and talents, take the lead in the door and window industry ".

别再问中国门窗十大名牌排名了,看看伊洛德成功加盟故事吧_2(Image Source: Yiluo German doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

experience after joining:

rugao agent: "I chose the right agent for joining doors and windows in Yiluo. Thank you for your courage to act as an agent for aluminum alloy doors and windows in that year".

Current operation of the store:

rugao agent: "In 2020, bumper harvest will be ushered in in March during the epidemic period".

别再问中国门窗十大名牌排名了,看看伊洛德成功加盟故事吧_3(Image Source: Yiluo German doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

TA suggestions:

suggestions for agents who want to invest and join the company: Yiluo German doors and windows adhere to the enterprise tenet of "Yi Xin yi yi yi yi yi yi yi Luo Qian Jin, and virtue in the world", which is to develop towards big brands, this will drive a group of franchisees to carry out the journey of doors and windows entrepreneurship, and joining can make a lot of money by strength.

[formstart-interested in joining projects-defalut05-formend]yiluode2016[/formstart-interested in joining projects-defalut05-formend]


we can learn from the story of Yiluo German doors and windows, a Jiangsu Rugao agent, that the other party is a very cautious person, but such a cautious person still chose Yiluo German doors and windows, after joining for so long, I still have full trust in it, and of course I have achieved extraordinary results. This shows that Yiluo German doors and windows are a brand worth joining. It can help you make money after joining, brand to realize entrepreneurial dream.

What are you hesitating about if you want to join? Please leave your willingness to join in the article and let our professional joining Butler serve you and help you answer your questions.

(Article source network, invasion and deletion)