What Is the Classification of Flower Window Flower Window

Flower window is one of our previous doors and windows, which is both practical and valuable for viewing. It can be seen from time to time in home decoration. However, many people still don't know much about it. Next, the website will tell you about flower window.

Flower window is one of our previous doors and windows, which is both practical and valuable for viewing. It can be seen from time to time in home decoration. However, many people still don't know much about it. Next, the website will tell you about flower window.

What is flower window

in Chinese Han garden buildings, people who fill the heart with a leaky pattern in the cave window are also called flower window, and they are also called leaky windows. More than flower window refers to works with complex images, clever composition and exquisite carving skills. The main function of flower window is to decorate the wall. Although the general height of flower window is faintly perspective, there is no independent effect of enframed scenery.

Flower window is a form of decoration and beautification of the middle window of ancient garden buildings of Han nationality. It has both practical functions and decorative effects. Flower window is mostly found in classical buildings of Han nationality, it is still widely used in modern architecture, but it mostly adopts retro style to reflect certain cultural heritage.

Flower window classification

1. Geometric pattern

all kinds of straight lines, curves, circles, triangles, squares, rhombus, trapezoid, etc. are used to form regular or irregular geometric patterns for decoration, collectively referred to as geometric patterns. Geometric patterns on doors and windows are the most important decorative means, including various variants and combinations. The simplest geometric patterns are square, hexagonal, triangular and other forms, as well as the forms of literary meanings such as Starlight and windmill, as well as the meaning of a vine commonly known as a round handle at the corner and continuous pulling, auspicious forms, plus a combination of various geometric forms, such as outer square and inner circle, large-area ice cracks, etc.

The advantage of geometric patterns as decorative subjects is that they have strong regularity, thus they are full of rhythm. Large area of neat decoration, strong visual impact. Especially when the number of Casement and partition board single pieces is large, the effect is very obvious. Geometric patterns are abstract patterns, so the meaning of literature is not so direct and difficult to understand.

2. Trees and flowers

trees and flowers are commonly used in auspicious patterns in ancient times. The ancients gave life to plant literature, paid attention to the inherent quality of all kinds of plants and advocated them. For example, "Plum Blossoms orchids bamboo and chrysanthemum" four gentlemen, "pine, bamboo, Wintersweet" old and cold three friends and so on. Here, the individuality of plants is completely a concrete reflection of social moral norms. In the doors and windows of Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of plant patterns appeared.

3. Animal pattern

in the painting, all birds and birds are collectively referred to as hair, and all animals are collectively referred to as beasts. The animal patterns referred to here also include God animals such as dragon and phoenix KIRIN, fish, turtle, frog, insects, etc. Dragon is a God beast created by Chinese for thousands of years, representing the supreme power of imperial power. The appearance of the Dragon integrates the strengths of all kinds of animals, such as crocodile head, antlers, python body, Eagle Claw, scale, shrimp eye. The dragon can fly in the clouds and fog, turn over the rivers and sea, enter the Earth, and come and go without trace.

In all dynasties, the descriptions of Dragons on various animals, especially on royal buildings, were never tired of using. As for the folk building doors and windows occasionally see dragon pattern, it also shows the people's belief in Dragon. KIRIN patterns such as Phoenix and auspicious beast also appear for the same reasons as dragon patterns. Other beasts can be roughly divided into poultry and wild animals. All domestic animals, such as horses, cattle and sheep, represent the time when things were abundant; All wild animals, such as Tiger, snake and monkey, place good wishes. Chinese Zodiacs is a unique year-counting culture in ancient China. The traditional Chinese zodiac signs show in the decoration of doors and windows. As for poultry and wild birds, or take their fortune, or nachiang, they have never changed.

4. Landscape and landscape

love landscape is a kind of addiction of literati in Chinese dynasties. Rich life and political frustration can all find sustenance between mountains and rivers. The layout of typical landscape paintings in Ming and Qing dynasties can be found on the relief board of doors and windows. There are absolutely a few people who use landscape as the decoration of doors and windows. The reason is that landscape painting is the pursuit of literati at a higher level, while ordinary people think that it is elegant but not pleasing to their eyes, so they abandon it.

5. Character Immortals

characters refer to people in history and are passed down from generation to generation; Gods refer to religions, and people created by myths are known to all women and women, but there are also people with no name or surname, such as fishing and fishing, farming and reading, which is only a true portrayal of people's lives. Doors and windows in flower plate, center plate and other major parts, often deep carving characters. The themes of these characters are largely divided into historical figures, such as Confucius, Lao Zi, Su Dongpo, Li Bai, etc.; Literary figures, such as Liu, Guan, Zhang, etc. in Romance of the three kingdoms; Immortal figures, such as Maitreya, eight Immortals and so on; There are also auspicious figures, such as birthday stars and gods of wealth, which appear most frequently and are the most direct reflection of the overall social mentality of feudal society.

6. Bogu Miscellaneous treasure

bogu can be interpreted as erudite and good ancient, and the wealth left in the process of history is culture. After living in prosperity in all dynasties, they were all interested in the historic preservation of their ancestors. The most typical are the Northern Song Dynasty, late Ming Dynasty and Qianlong. Especially in the prosperous era of Qianlong in Qing Dynasty, the government advocated that good Ancient times became a national hobby, and the people were all proud of ancient times. The pattern of Bogu is similar, but the emphasis is different due to different personal preferences. Bronze, ancient jade, ceramics, elephant Jade, **, etc. are all antique themes. In addition, the nine chapters of seven treasures and eight treasures, eight auspicious symbols, invisible eight immortals and so on, all of which belong to the theme of Bogu miscellaneous treasures. In the theme of door and window decoration, they are elegant but not vulgar and approachable.

7. Other themes

ancient doors and windows decoration themes are many and miscellaneous, divided by several categories, there are still many themes that are not easy to belong. For example, for text decoration, Chinese characters are hieroglyphics, and only words themselves are art. The calligraphy art has been formed for thousands of years. The book Body is real grass, and each has its own elegant demeanour. Using text as a decoration method, in addition to the special appearance, the content is also very important, for example, luck, wealth, long-lived and happy, focusing on auspicious; Another example, Zhu family instructions, focusing on the code; There is also a distorted and beautified font, for example, tuanshou and other subjects include gossip, tai chi, Fang Sheng, five-bat birthday celebration, and more than Jiqing.