Entry Door What Should I Pay Attention to When Installing Entry Door Feng Shui Taboo

Entry door is it good? The installation location is right, which will affect the beauty and feng shui of the whole house. Therefore, when installing entry door, many people pay great attention to entry door feng shui and other related knowledge. So what do you pay attention to when installing entry door? Entry door what are the taboos of installing feng shui? Come and have a look.

Entry door is it good? The installation location is right, which will affect the beauty and feng shui of the whole house. Therefore, when installing entry door, many people pay great attention to entry door feng shui and other related knowledge. So what do you pay attention to when installing entry door? Entry door what are the taboos of installing feng shui? Come and have a look.

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entry door what should I pay attention to when installing

1. Entry door size ratio

when installing entry door, you should know the size of the door clearly and match it with the doors and windows of the house. Like a house with large windows, entry door should also be installed with a large size. For small windows, it is naturally matched with a small size of entry door, avoiding a small house with an abrupt door, the large contrast in proportion leads to inharmonious decoration and matching.

2. Entry door width should be appropriate

when installing entry door, pay attention to the width of the door. No matter the size of the House, the door is too wide or too narrow. Especially villas or rural houses, which affect the beauty of the whole House, will also affect the air transport of the whole family. Therefore, when choosing, we should pay attention to the width and degree.

3. Entry door should not be hedged

according to the principle that feng shui should avoid direct flushing and circumgyration, entry door should not be in conflict with windows, toilet door and other positions. Entry door hedge will easily affect the fortune and bring instability to the whole room, which is not conducive to the accumulation of wind and air.

Feng Shui taboo towards entry door

1. Avoid the opposite of the door

entry door the feng shui orientation of the installation, the first thing to talk about is the opposite of the door. Although most of the commercial housing now is opposite to the door, the actual decoration should be covered by a door curtain between the two doors. Because feng shui has a relative door and door, it is easy to say something wrong, so it is suggested that this problem should be paid attention to when choosing the orientation.

2. Do not correct the elevator

feng Shui's requirement for the door is the main quiet, so the direction of entry door is more taboo to face the straight road. The elevator is an endless Avenue in another form, so entry door facing the door of the elevator up and down, it must be inharmonious.

3. Do not correct the stove

in the feng shui of home decoration, fire represents the prosperity of houses and the health of future generations. If the door is facing the stove, the fire phenomenon inside the door belongs to annealing cold stove. Even if the stove is not used, the gas field outside the door will be turned on the stove when the door is opened. This kind of statement that the orientation belongs to the charge, so entry door cannot be right to the stove.

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entry door color feng shui taboo

entry door different colors correspond to different Five Elements, which is related to the relationship, health and fortune among family members. Generally speaking, the color of entry door should not be too dark or too bright, too dark color is easy to make people depressed, too bright color Tiger makes people feel impetuous, thus triggering a quarrel. Therefore, the color of the house entry door should be selected according to the matching of the owner's five elements. Generally, the matching colors of the five elements are as follows:

the five elements belong to gold, and the door color is white, gold, silver, green, green, yellow and brown.

Five elements belong to Wood, the door color: green, green, yellow, brown, gray, blue

the five elements belong to water, and the door color is gray, blue, red, orange, white, gold and silver.

The five elements belong to fire, and the gate color is red, orange, white, gold, silver, green and green.

The five elements belong to the earth. The color of the gate is yellow, brown, gray, blue, red, orange and purple.

The above is about the installation of entry door. I hope it can be helpful to you. If you think the article is helpful, please continue to pay attention to this site.

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