How Does the Glass Color Form? Which Color Is Better

Windows are the most common around everyone. A good window glass is like a delicate dress, which is not only beautiful but also highly practical. In shopping malls, we sometimes encounter window glass of various colors. In the houses where we live, the window glass is transparent or will change color. Today, let's take a look at how the glass color is formed? Which color of window glass is better?

Windows are the most common around everyone. A good window glass is like a delicate dress, which is not only beautiful but also highly practical. In shopping malls, we sometimes encounter window glass of various colors. In the houses where we live, the window glass is transparent or will change color. Today, let's take a look at how the glass color is formed? Which color of window glass is better?

玻璃颜色是怎么形成的 窗户玻璃颜色哪种好_1

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how is the glass color formed

1. Ordinary glass is made by smelting quartz sand, soda ash and limestone together. It is a mixture of unstable silicate. The first glass made by people is a small glass cover with poor transparency and some colors.

2. Colorant. Most of the colorants are metal oxide. Adding these oxide to the glass ingredients can color the glass. For example, if chromium oxide (cr203) is added, the glass will turn green; If manganese dioxide (MnO oxide) is added, the glass will be purple; If cobalt oxide (co203) is added, the glass will be blue, the protective eyepiece used by steelworkers and welders is made of this kind of glass.

3. Adjust the valence of elements through the melting temperature and the nature of the furnace flame to make the glass show different colors. For example, when copper in glass exists at a high price of copper oxide, the glass appears blue-green; When copper oxide (Cu2O) exists at a low price, the glass appears red. Sometimes, the glass cannot be displayed well after being melted once, and the glass can only be colored after being heated for the second time. This is the case with precious golden red glass, which is made by adding trace amount of gold into ordinary glass ingredients.

4. Use the oxide of rare earth element as colorant to make various advanced color glass. The color glass mixed with rare earth elements has bright and clear tone, bright color and even changes color under different light. For example, neodymium oxide glass has this characteristic, which is purplish red in sunlight and blue purple in fluorescence, which is very beautiful. There is a kind of glass that changes color with the intensity of light. People use it as glasses lenses and window glass of houses. This kind of glass is used as window glass, which can maintain a certain brightness indoors and no longer need to use curtain to shade the sun, so some people call it "automatic curtain". It can also block the passage of ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. After the glass is installed in the Library and Museum, books and cultural relics can be protected from ultraviolet rays.

玻璃颜色是怎么形成的 窗户玻璃颜色哪种好_2

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which color of window glass is better

1. Solid wood window glass

solid wood window it can produce rich shapes and use a variety of colors. However, the anti-aging ability of solid wood window wood is poor, and the cold and hot expansion changes greatly, which is easy to be corroded after sun and rain. So when choosing solid wood window glass color, choose transparent, so the sunlight can shine into the room, which is good for indoor light.

2. Aluminium windows glass

aluminium windows has good weather resistance and aging resistance. However, the heat insulation is not as good as other materials, and the colors are only white and brown. Therefore, aluminium windows glass is green, because most of them are used in balconies. Green can avoid too strong light and has heat insulation effect.

3. Plastic steel window glass

plastic steel window has good sound insulation, heat insulation, fire resistance, air tightness, water tightness, corrosion resistance, heat preservation, etc. However, after a long time, the surface of PVC plastic profiles will turn yellow and the form will be deformed, so the service life is 20-30 years. Generally, transparent is selected.

4. Frameless windows glass

frameless Windows has the advantages of good lighting, area air convection, beautiful and easy folding, etc. However, the thermal insulation is poor, the sealing is poor, and the sound insulation is general. Therefore, this kind of glass should be chosen to be relatively firm in material, and the color should be seen in the place of use. For example, some stores can be rich in colorful and fashionable. If it is indoor, choose transparent to make the living environment relatively quiet.

In general, the color of window glass should be selected according to the application place and material. If you think this article is helpful to you, please continue to pay attention to this site.

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