How to Deal with Wooden Door Renovation? Can Manual Painting Be Used for Wooden Door Renovation?

Wooden doors are divided into solid wood door, wooden door, solid wood compound solid wooden door and touch doors, which have the characteristics of gorgeous artistic sense and mute, but the cost of wooden doors is relatively high and the durability is not strong enough, it needs to be renovated for a long time. Today, I will not only tell you how to deal with the renovation of wooden doors, but also answer whether the opponent can paint the wooden doors.

Wooden doors are divided into solid wood door, wooden door, solid wood compound solid wooden door and touch doors, which have the characteristics of gorgeous artistic sense and mute, but the cost of wooden doors is relatively high and the durability is not strong enough, it needs to be renovated for a long time. Today, I will not only tell you how to deal with the renovation of wooden doors, but also answer whether the opponent can paint the wooden doors.

How to deal with wooden door renovation

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method 1. Painting and renovating wooden doors

the wooden door has been used for a long time, and the surface begins to turn black and rough. The simplest way to renovate wooden doors is to paint them again, and painting by yourself can achieve the desired effect. It should be noted here that it is better to remove the door and put it in a special room for spraying. First, there is no dust, reducing environmental pollution; Second, you can see the front and back of the door very clearly. If spraying directly on the door, fog will easily occur when spraying, which will affect the sight and spraying effect, and the inhalation of these fog by human body will cause respiratory system damage. The specific method is as follows:

remove the handles and other decorations on the wooden door to prevent the hand from being scratched in the next step, which is also conducive to the uniformity of painting.

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2. Polish all the places that need to be painted with flint glass paper. If the surface is seriously damaged, polish the old paint film as much as possible, especially the loose paint film. As for the degree of grinding, it only needs to be tight and smooth. Pay attention to the corner not to be polished too much to keep the original shape of the wooden door. Wet it with cloth, make it semi-wet, and wipe the powder on the newly polished wooden door clean. Take fine sandpaper and polish it again. Pay attention to the corner for two things. Then clean up the powder with a wet cloth. This step is very important, so that the wooden door is painted stronger.

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3. Take the paint and brush and open the paint cover. Touch the brush in paint bucket, don't touch too much paint at a time. The rule of painting is from top to bottom, from left to right. Note that the corners and hidden places should also be painted.

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4. Leave the painted wooden door for four to five hours and wait for the paint to dry out. After the paint is dry, take fine sandpaper and polish the wooden door again from beginning to end. This time the polishing is to polish the uneven parts of the paint to a flat level, which is beneficial to continue painting later. Perform the second painting as described above. If the paint is too thick, you can add appropriate amount of rubber water, dilute the paint and brush it. Then continue to dry and then polish.

5. After the third painting according to the above method, the paint of the wooden door will be finished. Finally, install the door handle, Hinge and other hardware and decorative clothing one by one. In this way, the whole wooden door is painted. At this time, you will find that the paint on the wooden door is even and beautiful, and the whole room is beautiful.

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method 2. Old wooden door refurbished stickers

it is one of the methods to renovate old wooden doors to protect the surface of old wooden doors with stickers. Stickers always occupy a place for wooden door renovation due to their environmental protection, convenience and quick construction methods. When posting wallpaper, we should choose the material and type of wallpaper, and try our best to choose high-quality wooden door stickers from the perspective of safety and environmental protection. The specific method is as follows:

remove the door and place it horizontally, then lay the paper to be pasted on the door, align the Four Corners, first place a heavy object in the middle to prevent the paper from shifting, then spread and place some heavy objects, mainly to smooth the paper.

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2. The length and width of the paper should be calculated as the thickness of the door. When the sticker is used, lift the anti-adhesive layer from a corner. This corner must be tightened and the anti-adhesive laminated sticker inside must be pasted. After sticking the corner, pull the anti-adhesive layer in one direction, the direction of opening should be torn as far as possible to the direction in the upper right corner, mainly binding to the right. You can tear it while pressing it with your hand and remove it when you encounter heavy objects. It is better to operate by two people, and the effect will be better.

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3. When the right side is fixed, the anti-adhesive layer should be pulled to balance with the left side, and then all counterweights should be removed. When pressing, the center line should be the main one, and the left and right sides should be pushed horizontally. After leveling, I cut off the extra stickers with a knife, thus completing the work of refurbished stickers of the old wooden door.

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can hand paint be used for wooden door renovation?

Hand paint is spray paint, aerosol paint, which is widely used and usually consists of aerosol cans, aerosol valve, contents (paint) and propelling agent. There is no strict classification standard for aerosol paint (spray paint), and the usual classification method is classified according to people's usage habits.

Generally, it can be divided into Nitro aerosol paint, alkyd aerosol paint, thermoplastic acrylic aerosol paint and other categories according to the types of aerosol paint, and also classified by film forming effect, such as main sticky material, metal flash paint, fluorescent paint, super metallic paint, chrome paint, gold-plated paint, Hammer paint, high temperature resistant paint, etc.

Thermoplastic acrylic resin paint dries quickly at room temperature and is convenient to use. Its solid effective component content and covering power are better than nitroenamel paint, which is mainly used for indoor and outdoor decoration engineering, mechanical equipment and plastic surface decoration.

Therefore, it is OK to renovate wooden doors with hand paint for indoor and outdoor decoration.

How to deal with wooden door renovation? After reading the above introduction to the two big treatment methods of wooden door renovation, have you learned it.