How Much Is Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Per Square Meter?

Many friends reported , the price difference is too large , take 60 series , tablet price is more than 300 yuan , the price is 600, 700 , even more than 1500 tablets , and these kinds of bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy from the appearance , almost identical , so where is the difference?

Today's beauty selection editor analyzes the installation and service of materials cost, process cost, window type and these aspects. , where is the price difference.

Raw material cost can be divided into 5 parts , there are configuration files, glass, insulation strips, hardware and silicon sealant.

Introduction (about 70 yuan per square meter)

The thickness range of 60 series Broken Bridge aluminum profiles is 1 .2mm to 1 .8mm. According to the outline of 6 meters , each 1 . The outline of 2mm is 70mm cheaper. A window of 1 square meter usually requires an outline of about 6 meters.

Hollow glass (about 80 yuan per layer)

First of all ,60 Broken Bridge hollow glass with non-tempered Hollow , single-sided tempering Hollow , double-sided tempering hollow. For single material , non-tempered hollow is about 70 yuan per square meter , the double-sided tempered Hollow can reach more than 120 yuan per square meter. .

Secondly ,60 broken bridge glass can be assembled with three types of hollow glass , that is, 5 6a 5 ,5 9a 5 ,5 12a 5 , in three specifications ,5 6a 5 has the worst sound insulation performance ,5 12a 5 sound insulation has the best performance , the price difference is between 25 and 30 yuan per square meter.

Insulation strip (about 50 yuan per layer)

Ordinary PVC insulation strip is generally about 6000 to 7000 tons , and 66 nylon insulation strips up to 28 per ton ,000 yuan , the estimated price difference is 50 yuan per square meter.

Hardware (each price difference is about 150 yuan)

Take a set of hardware as an example , low price market will not sell 100 yuan , and high quality suit will reach 200~300 yuan , especially imported brands , up to 400~500 yuan. Based on an average of 3 square meters , A window opens , the price difference of each level is about 150 yuan.

Silicon sealant (about 20 yuan per layer) when installing , some people use sealant of two or three dollars to fill the joint to save money. , some people use the structural adhesive on the exterior wall to meet the quality requirements. Support for more than 18 yuan , for Consumers , do you want to save money with two or three pieces of glue? Or use better quality structural adhesive to improve the quality?

The process cost is about 200 yuan per square meter! A set of production equipment in a formal large factory is usually hundreds of thousands or even millions. , A set of production equipment for light-duty vehicle rooms is 60x17777. The cost of this process is not only reflected in the equipment , design cost of regular large factories ,, , hydropower, etc. , they are all small workshops. From the perspective of processing cost , small workshops cost an average of 2,000 to 3,000 yuan per ton. , however, large factories need 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per ton. This is really a huge difference.

Accordingly , high precision of products produced by expensive equipment, high quality and high standard , it is not comparable with small workshops. We can see the huge difference in price , but we cannot always ignore the difference in quality.

Therefore , process cost reflected in price , usually per square meter 100 to 200 yuan is also common.

Window type

The difference is about 600 yuan per square meter! Different window types , production costs also vary greatly. For example , A square opens an active window. , five squares open an active window. Due to the different amount of materials used , the cost difference can reach several times!

Installation and service

This is actually very simple. Different levels of installation hosts , different warranty periods and different costs. For example , owner with 3 years of installation experience and owner with only 3 months of installation experience , which one do you choose? Absolutely choose 3 years of installation experience!

If these two masters have the same salary , how can owners with 3 months of experience mix together? The warranty period is better understood. Longer warranty commitment , the greater the risk the merchant takes. Just like insurance , the natural cost is also very high. The difference between the works is calculated at 50 yuan per square meter.

Finally , add all the above differences ,70 (profile) 80 (glass) 50 (insulation strip) 150 (hardware) 20 (silicon sealant) 200 (process) 600 (window type) 50 (installation and service) = 1220 yuan.