How to Fix the Broken Door Handle? Simple Steps Make It Easy for You to Replace

I believe that many people have encountered the situation that the door handle is broken. How can we solve this situation? Some people like to do it by themselves, buy a new door handle, use suitable tools, and then install the door handle by themselves. But not everyone knows this. Today, let's introduce how to fix the broken door handle? A few simple steps, you can change easily without relying on others.

I believe that many people have encountered the situation that the door handle is broken. How can we solve this situation? Some people like to do it by themselves, buy a new door handle, use suitable tools, and then install the door handle by themselves. But not everyone knows this. Today, let's introduce how to fix the broken door handle? A few simple steps, you can change easily without relying on others.


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how to fix the broken door handle?

I. Replacement

1. Buy a door handle first, unpack its package first, check whether the accessories are complete and whether the parts are complete. If there is no problem, prepare to install the toolkit.

2. First use the corresponding tool to remove the broken door handle. Usually, the door handle of the security door needs to be disassembled on the side of the room and a screwdriver is selected, you can unscrew the screws that fix the door handle.

3. Ordinary cruciate flower screwdriver is also OK. Put the removed door handle in one position and don't mix it up.

2. Force

1. Read the installation instructions of the door handle in advance. Please follow the above Operation. If you can't handle it yourself, the door needs to be kept open during installation. Press and hold the outer door frame with your fingers, use a screwdriver to remove the screws that fix the door handle one by one.

2. When pressing the door, you need to use a certain force. There is a spring in the door handle. When the screw is taken out, the spring will easily hit yourself and try to use more strength.

3. Buckle

1. After removing the screws of the door handle, use Hatch pliers and open the snap ring one by one. Don't let the metal bulge of the door handle snap ring scratch yourself. It is sharp and can wear gloves in advance.

2. If there is no hatch pliers in the home, you can use a straight-shaped screwdriver instead, which is a bit of effort.

IV. Installation

after the buckle is removed, the newly bought door handle can be reinstalled. The screws must be tightened, otherwise the effect of lockable door will be affected.


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the above is an introduction to how to repair the broken door handle. Of course, there are many kinds of doors. We should choose the appropriate method according to the actual situation. If the doors are relatively advanced, it is recommended to find professional maintenance personnel.

(The article comes from the Internet and is invaded and deleted)