Download Construction Technology Scheme of Standard Method for Exterior Wall Doors and Windows

Standard practices for exterior doors and windows

1. Scope of Application all projects under construction in Chongqing company

2, general description 2.1 the gap between the door and window frame and the opening requires the wall finishing material the gap between the door and window frame and the opening edge of the opening 15 mortar coating 20~25 face brick 25~30 stone 40~50 (using concrete orifice or adding auxiliary box) external insulation wall external insulation thickness decorative material practice gap-10 note:

(1) the gap between the door and window frame and the edge of the hole will increase due to the thickness requirements of the finishing materials (including insulation). When the gap between the door and window frame and the edge of the hole is greater than 35mm, concrete orifice or steel auxiliary frame shall be added between the door and window frame and the opening edge. The gap between the gate and the door and window frame shall not be greater than 20mm; The gap between the secondary frame and the door and window frame shall be 5mm, and the gap between the secondary frame and the edge of the hole shall not be greater than 20mm; when there is no sub-frame, the finished finish surface shall be pressed by 5mm of the door and window frame, and when there is a sub-frame, the finish surface shall be flush with the top of the sub-frame.

(2) the gap between the lower corner of the door frame and the opening should be adjusted according to the different floor materials and the lower corner of the door frame, and the threshold and floor (Wall) must be ensured. The gap between the filling is dense and the external waterproof is complete, and the finished floor should be high inside and low outside.

2.2 allowable deviation of door and window openings allowable deviation of door and window openings height of allowable deviation of door and window openings, width ± 5 hole diagonal length difference ≤ 5 hole side verticality 1.5/1000 and not greater than 2 hole center line and baseline deviation ≤ 5 hole lower plane elevation ± 5

2.3 The installation of doors and windows is positioned before the installation of door and window frames or auxiliary frames. The civil construction unit shall provide three-line (horizontal line, a perpendicular line line and inlet and outlet line) benchmarks for the installation of doors and windows. The door and window installation unit shall re-test the dimensions and deviations of the openings one by one, record and mark the door and window openings that need to be handled.

2.4 handling of deviation of door and window opening the gap between the door and window frame (or auxiliary frame) and the opening does not meet the requirements specified in Table 1, the opening shall be handled and installed only after it is qualified. See the following table for specific treatment methods: Gap deviation between door and window frame (or auxiliary frame) and opening & delta;(mm) treatment method & delta; ≥ 50 reinforcement and pouring C20 fine stone concrete 50>& delta; >25 hanging double layer galvanized steel mesh plastering 25 ≥ & delta;>5 hanging single layer galvanized steel mesh plastering 5 ≥ & delta; ≥-5 is not processed, but the plug seam must be compacted-5>& delta; ≥-10 ensure the minimum value required in Table 1, if the minimum value cannot be guaranteed, chisel and cement mortar should be painted flat-10>& delta; Chisel and cement mortar should be painted flat Note: When & delta; ≥ 50mm, c20 fine stone concrete shall be poured at the entrance of the tunnel, and the concrete shall be equipped with 2 & phi; 10-pass long steel bar and & phi; 6 @ 250U stirrup, which is connected with the original wall. 2.5 concrete sill plate (lower belt) and pitch 2.5.1 concrete sill plate lower belt method for masonry walls, the lower opening of the window must be poured with the same width and wall thickness, and the height must not be less than 120mm, concrete sill plate with the length of each side extending into the wall not less than 400mm (set when the length is less than 400mm) (measures for eight-character joints of masonry under the window sill). Sill plate is C20 concrete, equipped with 3Φ10 main reinforcement and & phi; 6 @ 250U type distribution reinforcement, section details as shown

Standard construction technology of exterior wall doors and windows