Fingerprint Lock What Happened to Fingerprint Failure? Fingerprint Lock Fingerprint Identification Does Not Respond

Fingerprint Lock what's wrong with fingerprint failure? Today, sister FUN summarized the following reasons for the failure of fingerprint identification in fingerprint lock and the solutions based on various materials queried after being closed and the results of consulting professional life, I hope you will not repeat sister FUN's misery if you encounter the same problem.

Use fingerprint lock, more convenient to get in and out. Fingerprint Lock is also called Smart Lock. You can open the door with fingerprints, which is very convenient. With the appearance of fingerprint lock, this pair of FUN sisters who have lost their habits can be said to be the savior. "Life is so fickle, God closed your door and took it to the window by the way." after installation, I thought I was no longer afraid of forgetting my key, but I was still locked outside the door, blowing a cold wind.

Fingerprint Lock fingerprint identification does not respond?!!

指纹锁指纹失灵怎么回事?指纹锁指纹识别没有反应_1(Image Source Network, invasion and deletion)

fingerprint Lock what's wrong with fingerprint failure? Today, sister FUN summarized the following reasons for the failure of fingerprint identification in fingerprint lock and the solutions based on various materials queried after being closed and the results of consulting professional life, I hope you will not repeat sister FUN's misery if you encounter the same problem.

1. The battery is out of power

fingerprint Lock fingerprint identification is the most common condition due to battery power failure. After all, fingerprint lock does not want to be like a mobile phone. If the power is low, you will be prompted to charge it. This causes the battery in fingerprint lock to be used without knowing, that's why I can't get in when I go out.

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solution: Use the mobile phone to set the time, and the battery needs to be replaced after a period of time. Be careful to buy batteries of good quality. Don't buy testing battery. If you buy testing battery, you may change it today. Tomorrow, you will be locked out because there is no electricity.

2. It is cold and the temperature is too low

low temperature will affect smart devices. Compared with winter, everyone has deep experience. It took only half an hour to go out with a full cell phone. The impact of cold weather on fingerprint lock not only consumes fast power, but also makes the fingerprint lock screen unable to wake up. Then the temperature of your fingers is low and the fingerprint door lock collection window cannot sense it, this makes how to press fingerprint lock have no response.

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solution: Ha Ha Qi, use your body temperature to wake up the fingerprint lock screen and get the finger temperature up (either Ha Qi or rub your fingers can be used, as long as you warm your frozen fingers), let the fingerprint lock collection window know that you are a living person.

3. Wrong finger

fingerprint Lock there is no reaction at the fingerprint sensor, because the wrong finger is usually Ma Daha like sister FUN. When you open fingerprint lock, you can only open the finger of the fingerprint that you have recorded. The current technology department cannot record the fingerprint of one finger, and you can also open other fingers.

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solution: try a few more fingers and forget the fingerprints of the fingers recorded. Try 10 fingers one by one, and the correct fingers will always be pressed.

4. Children or the elderly

children and the elderly, one is that the fingerprints are not well developed and have not yet formed; The other is that due to deformation and smoothing, ordinary low-end fingerprint lock may not be able to obtain clear fingerprint images normally.

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solution: fingerprint lock in addition to using fingerprints, you can also use passwords, cards, and mobile phones remotely, so you can get cards or passwords for children and the elderly, or remotely open them. Of course, most of the reasons for this situation are that the products are not good enough, the common smart lock identification technology is backward and the materials used are also common. If you buy a higher-end fingerprint lock directly, this situation can be avoided.

5. Fingers have water

fingerprint Lock unlocking is collected by the fingerprint door lock window. If there is water on the hand, the machine cannot recognize it. Similarly, the QR code you scanned is very stained, and it is a vague reason that you can't see clearly.

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solution: dry your fingers and wipe off the water on the fingerprint door lock collection window. Just try it several times.

6. Fingerprint lock problems

there are small problems in front, which can also be said to be caused by problems. You can solve them by paying attention to them at ordinary times. However, there are many reasons for fingerprint lock problems, which may be due to excessive motherboard loss, motor damage, and intelligent fingerprint lock body damage, anti-theft door sinking or world hook falling off, etc.

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solution: for professional problems, find professionals. Fingerprint lock problems are obviously not solved by US non-professionals. Doing it yourself may cause secondary damage.

The above are the common reasons and solutions for the failure of six fingerprint lock fingerprint sensors. If you have different problems, please discuss them below.

(Article source network, invasion and deletion)