What Is Good about Entry Door opposite Wall Hanging Decoration? This Tip Is for You

What is good about entry door opposite wall hanging decoration? This is also a headache for many people. Today, let's tell you what to hang up.

What is good about entry door opposite wall hanging decoration? This is also a headache for many people. Today, let's tell you what to hang up.

The things we see when opening the door affect our mood and fortune, so we must carefully choose some hanging decorations. Good paintings can not only give people the sensory enjoyment of beauty, but also benefit the changes of feng shui at home, and also have great benefits for our future financial development.

Entry door opposite wall hanging painting taboo

1. Avoid portrait painting: portrait painting of characters is a very special hanging painting. When hanging portrait painting, it is more taboo than other paintings, because portrait painting will give people a special feeling, as if another living person is staring at you, it is not only easy to feel that privacy is violated, but also very inconvenient in daily life. Therefore, it is best not to hang portraits at the door, otherwise visitors will feel anxious.

2. Avoid abstract painting: abstract painting. Most of the themes are gloomy and horrible. This kind of painting is not suitable for hanging at the door or in other spaces. Otherwise, it will bring serious mental pressure to family members in the long run, cause family tension.

3. Avoid painting with deep tone: painting with deep tone is easy to make people nervous and depressed. Home is the place where we relieve pressure. We should not hang this kind of painting that can easily lead to tension and depression, otherwise, it will easily affect our normal rest.


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the entrance is right for wall hanging decoration. What's good

1. Bird-and-flower painting: Bird-and-flower painting is a kind of painting representing auspicious and auspicious. Looking at bird-and-flower painting can not only make people feel happy and relaxed, but also improve the feng shui and style in a house. For example, peony pattern, peony is a symbol of great wealth and great wealth. If peony pattern is hung on the wall opposite the door, it will add fortune to the house.

2. Red or green paintings: red represents auspicious, green represents vitality. If you can see these two colors of paintings, it will promote the fortune and health of your family.

3. Atmospheric words: in addition to some subject painting, we can also hang some characters with more atmospheric shapes and meanings, which can also improve the style of the whole house and our taste.


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the above is all the content shared today. If you want to know more about home decoration, please pay attention to this website.

(Article Source: Network, invasion and deletion)