How to Change the Sliding Door Pulley If It Is Broken? What Is the Solution?

In daily life, the use of sliding door is very popular, but this kind of product will have various problems after being used for a long time. Lag is one of the familiar types, so how can I change the sliding door pulley if it is broken?

In daily life, the use of sliding door is very popular, but this kind of product will have various problems after being used for a long time. Lag is one of the familiar types, so how can I change the sliding door pulley if it is broken? Let's take a look at it together.

Replacement steps:

1. First, set up the upper pulley part of slide door

2. Open wool tops and insert 6mm hexagonal wrench from the round hole.

3. After loosening the screws, pull out upper pulley in parallel. Then screw in the new screw.

4. Push upper pulley flat into the gap between the screw cap and the inner wall of the door frame. In order to keep a certain distance between the upper Pulley, a upper pulley is inserted between the upper edge of the door frame and the plane of the cardboard. Then tighten the screws.

5. Upper pulley is installed. Remove cardboard.

6. Turn over the slide door, tree up, insert the screw through the round hole at the bottom, hold down the lower pulley with your hand, so that the screw hole of the adjusting square can be perpendicular to the screw, which is convenient to screw in. Use a 5mm hexagonal wrench to twist the screws.

7. After the screw is screwed into the adjustment square, rotate it five times. At this point, slide door is installed on one side and lower pulley.


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sliding door what are the solutions to the broken pulley

i. Derailment of pulley

if this phenomenon occurs, it will directly export the door frame and slide in the track, which will be very laborious during use and will also damage the door frame. It is recommended to lift the door slightly, just let the pulley return to the track.

II. Pulley damage

this may be because the pulley has been damaged. If this situation occurs, it means that the door is too heavy, resulting in the pulley can not bear gravity, deformation, serious crushing or pulley bearing damage, as a result, the wheel gets stuck and cannot be used, then the pulley needs to be replaced.

III. Track deformation

if the pulley is not damaged, it may be that the track is deformed. Generally speaking, under the heavy pressure of external force, the track will be deformed, which causes the pulley to not slide normally, or there are sundries inside the track, at this time, the track should be repaired and cleaned in time.


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the above is about how to replace the sliding door pulley if it is broken, and what solutions are available for the sliding door pulley if it is broken? I really don't know how to replace it. I 'd better find a professional to replace it.

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