Is Weichang Doors and Windows a Brand? Is Weichang Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows One of the Top Ten Famous Brands?

Is Weichang doors and windows a brand? The whole process of Weichang doors and windows is "Weichang aluminum door and window". It is a well-known brand in Guangdong and has been rated as a famous brand in China. Weichang doors and windows has a wide range of products, and it is a good brand for many old dealers to join. Naweichang broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is it the top ten famous brands? What policy support can you enjoy to join Weichang doors and windows? If you want to know, look down!

Is Weichang doors and windows a brand? The whole process of Weichang doors and windows is "Weichang aluminum door and window". It is a well-known brand in Guangdong and has been rated as a famous brand in China. Weichang doors and windows has a wide range of products, and it is a good brand for many old dealers to join. Naweichang broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is it the top ten famous brands? What policy support can you enjoy to join Weichang doors and windows? If you want to know, look down!

伟昌门窗是品牌吗?伟昌<a href=断桥铝门窗是十大名牌吗?_1" />

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weichang broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is it the top ten famous brands?

Weichang doors and windows is a brand founded by Guangdong Huachang Aluminum Factory Co., Ltd. in the early 90's, which fully adopts ISO9OO1-2008 quality management system to build products. This also made Weichang doors and windows not only pass ISO14000 and ISO18000, but also won the ISO9001 certification and energy-saving product certification of China Fangyuan Certification Committee and Norway Classification Society (DNV), and was rated as "high-tech enterprise".

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meanwhile, Weichang broken bridge aluminum doors and windows under the guidance of the enterprise concept of "honesty, efficiency, pragmatism and enterprising", we not only want to sell our products to all parts of the country, but also successfully join the registered suppliers of the United Nations, winning ten famous brands of Guangdong doors and windows and Chinese famous brands.

伟昌门窗是品牌吗?伟昌<a href=断桥铝门窗是十大名牌吗?_2" />

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what policy support can you enjoy to join Weichang doors and windows?

1. Strong investment in brand advertising expenses;

2. Strongly support the decoration of exclusive stores;

3. Professional CIS Image Design and exclusive store design;

4. Provide professional training to the marketing personnel of franchisees on a regular basis;

5. Preferential policies enable dealers to obtain rich profits;

6. Fully support the interests of franchisees and give recognition and support to franchisees.

7. Provide unified clothing, product model, product display rack, franchise franchise card, certificate bronze medal, etc. for employees in exclusive stores nationwide;

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OK, the above is about the brand of Weichang doors and windows, Weichang broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is it the top ten famous brands and the introduction of Wei Chang's door and window joining policy? If you want to consult joining, you can leave your joining intention in the article or call 400-0618-777 to enjoy professional joining assistance services.

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