What Should I Do If the Wooden Door Is Corroded? How to Prevent Wooden Door Decay?

Some small partners installed wooden doors in their kitchens and bathrooms without considering waterproof and moisture-proof. Over time, wooden doors began to mold and rot in humid environment, especially the lower part of wooden doors. What should I do if the wooden door in my home is corroded? Is there any way to prevent wooden door decay? Let's take a look today!

Some small partners installed wooden doors in their kitchens and bathrooms without considering waterproof and moisture-proof. Over time, wooden doors began to mold and rot in humid environment, especially the lower part of wooden doors. What should I do if the wooden door in my home is corroded? Is there any way to prevent wooden door decay? Let's take a look today!


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1. What should I do if the wooden door is corroded?

1. Dry the door, remove serious bad Wood, buy a small bag of fast-stick powder, 1 bag of wall spade, 1 broken basin, water. When using it, don't pour it all into the basin and add water. It condenses very fast, so when repairing, your speed should also be fast, finally, use a wall shovel to scrape it flat.

2. Dry the door, remove serious bad wood, and prevent mildew silicon sealant 1 bottle. Glue gun if you feel that it will not be used in the future, you can use screwdriver to push forward against the bottom of silicon sealant. After filling the waste newspaper in the cavity, pour silicon sealant, then scrape it flat, and do not touch the water for 24 hours. Because you said there are other furniture in your home that needs repairing, this should be more broad-spectrum.

However, when the wooden structure is in use, try to avoid moisture or water. Otherwise, even if it is repaired, it will still break down with the increasing gap. Therefore, the key is to maintain the wooden door waterproof, mildew-proof and durable.


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second, how to prevent wooden door decay?

Wooden door anti-corrosion treatment Method 1: First of all, we should check and clean up the corroded parts, especially check whether there are moths, and do a good job in the early stage of waterproof and anti-corrosion of wooden doors. Then dry the wooden door, and do pest removal at the same time; Then use sand-papering damage parts of the wooden door, and apply the anti-insect and anti-corrosion liquid and make up base; The final anti-corrosion treatment of the wooden door is to apply waterproof mildew inhibitor, etc. Cleaning burrs will complete the anti-corrosion treatment of wooden doors.

The second method of anti-corrosion treatment for wooden doors: the protection of the paint film on the surface of wooden doors can make the moisture-proof and anti-corrosion performance of wooden doors go to a higher level; Therefore, when choosing wooden doors, we should choose the paint film to be bright and smooth without bubbles, quality defects such as falling and wrinkles, and no sound knot, corrosion points, broken wooden doors; At the same time, door set of the wood used should be coordinated with the wood and color of the door leaf, moreover, the color difference between trim board and Wood lines cannot be large, and tree species should be the same. These are all anti-corrosion treatments that should be done well in the production of wooden doors, so we should check the purchase of wooden doors.

Wooden door anti-corrosion treatment method 3: Of course, everything needs to be fundamental. The root of wooden door is to make wood of wooden door, so it is relatively important to do anti-corrosion treatment of wood, of course, this should be a problem that manufacturers should think about, so what method is used to preserve wood? In fact, wood anti-corrosion is very simple, that is, to use wood preservatives containing anti-corrosion and insect-proof effects to carry out preventive treatment on logs to prevent logs from being damaged by organisms such as discoloration bacteria, wood rot bacteria, timber worm, etc, it can avoid the deterioration of logs during storage (especially in summer) and transportation, and maintain the quality and quality of logs.

After reading the above content, do you know what to do? If your wooden door has begun to be corroded, then start to take action. It is very important to stop loss in time! I hope the content shared above can help you.

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