Is Dark Wooden Door Better Or Light Wooden Door Better? Wooden Door Color Matching Has a Trick!

Some new home improvement couples often fall into a problem. Is it better to buy a dark wooden door or a light wooden door? It's like choosing clothes, looking at the overall effect behind you.

The entrance and exit of people is also the door, which means that the door is an indispensable part of people's living space. In modern people's home life, the door is not only the key to hide deep secluded, cover up the curtain barrier inside, but also decorate the interior space.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

style and style must be one of the keys to choose wooden doors, but the general home decoration style is nothing more than European style, Chinese style, new Chinese style, Japanese style, etc, from the perspective of decoration, we can't find the relationship between modern simplicity and traditional complexity. Compared with style coordination, good "color matching" is a more profound knowledge of home decoration.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

some new home improvement couples often fall into a problem. Is it better to buy a dark wooden door or a light wooden door? It's like choosing clothes, looking at the overall effect behind you. In fact, the color matching between wooden doors and the whole interior space also has certain rules. As long as the combination is clever, a variety of home decoration styles and effects can be derived, create more imagination for the overall matching of indoor space.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

consistent colors without losing layers

in home decoration design, the same color and the same temperature match is a kind of color match that is not easy to make people play, in such an indoor space, there will be no strong color contrast, which makes people feel restless visually and will present a harmonious and unified effect, that is, a sense of comfort and tranquility, just like the popular "minimalist" style nowadays.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

of course, it is important not to be monotonous. In order to prolong the visual depth, the color of the floor can be slightly darker than that of the wall and wooden door, or use dark carpets and other furniture to enrich the color levels of the whole indoor space.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

one cold and one warm decoration effects have the same characteristics, and the whole indoor space has the same color.

Overall coordination, echo from afar

wooden door, as the facade decoration of the whole interior space, is integrated with the wall. Therefore, the color of wooden door should be matched with the wall to be vivid. Imagine that if the wall is inclined to white while the wooden door is still white, the whole indoor space will lack vitality and emotional color.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

for people who like light colors, you can try to turn wall surface brush into light yellow or light blue. In short, you need to add a little emotional temperature to pure white. Of course, the color gap cannot be too large, otherwise, it will also give people a feeling of disorder.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

while keeping the color harmony between the wall and the wooden door, the wooden door also echoes the color of other furniture, making the whole decoration effect look very generous.

Strong contrast makes the effect more effective

contrast Color System is an attractive challenge in home decoration design. It has high requirements for color perception. It not only has the contrast between cold color and warm color, but also has the combination of light color system and dark color system, even some professional color composition theories are needed to assist. If there is any carelessness, the tonality of the whole indoor space will be disturbed.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

but at the same time, contrast color is also a kind of color matching that can make everyone excited. As long as you pay attention to some small skills and take advantage of their energetic characteristics, you can make the indoor space more vivid.


(Image Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)

understanding the knowledge of color matching of wooden doors is only qualified, and choosing a reliable wooden door brand is the prerequisite.

(Article Source: HOLZER wooden door public number, invasion and deletion)