Car Window Shade Five Tips for Cleaning Easily Remove Oil Stains on Kitchen Car Window Shade

Security screen window it is inevitable that dust and some mosquitoes will stick to it after long-term use, so regular cleaning security screen window is the first step of maintenance, so it is difficult to clean security screen window. What steps need to be paid attention, the following is a list of security screen window cleaning procedure and methods: security screen window 1. Wash with sprinkling can: Experienced people first use sprinkling can to clean window screen.

Security screen window it is inevitable that dust and some mosquitoes will stick to it after long-term use, so regular cleaning security screen window is the first step of maintenance, so it is difficult to clean security screen window. What steps need to be paid attention, the following is a list of security screen window cleaning procedure and methods:

security screen window

1. Wash with sprinkling can: Experienced people first use sprinkling can to clean window screen. Use sprinkling can to spray water while cleaning with a rag. It is better to use sprinkling can of the pressure, so that the impact force of the water is greater and the dirt is easier to wash out. If window screen can be removed, it can also be washed by shower head.

2. Clean with a vacuum cleaner: clean window screen with a vacuum cleaner. The method is relatively simple. The method is to put a newspaper outside the window screen. It is better to fix the newspaper with the glass window outside the window screen. Don't let the newspaper run around. If not, you can also hold it by hand. Then use the vacuum cleaner to close to the window screen and absorb dust and dirt from the inside 1.1 points. The advantage of this method is that it is convenient and clean, and it also saves water, while ensuring the floor is dry.

3. Clean with wet newspapers: use waste newspapers at home to clean window screen. First soak the newspaper, then stick it on the car window shade, remove it after drying, and then stick it on the new wet newspaper. After several times, clean the window screen.

4. Clean with sponge: you can wet with sponge (a small amount of water) and wipe window screen, which is easier to clean. This method indicates that the effect is good and can make window screen clean.

Kitchen Car window shade cleaning

the kitchen security screen window is more difficult to clean than the mosquito screen window for a long time due to the erosion of lampblack. Here are two methods.

1. Borrow newspapers to stick oil

put several layers of old newspapers on the kitchen floor, take down the car window shade, put old newspapers on it, and scrape them hard with wooden spoon and so on to make most of the oil stain stick to the old newspapers, change the newspaper repeatedly to stick oil. Until most of the oil stains are stuck off by newspapers, brush around with wire brush and detergent. Finally, clean them with a wet rag and apply a little oil to prevent rust. Don't flush with water too early, otherwise, it will become more and more troublesome. It is better if there are enough waste cardboard, put them in the size of car window shade, and then spread the newspaper, which is easier to clean.

2. Stick oil with paste

add water to the flour and make a thin batter, then brush the batter evenly on both sides of the car window shade. After 5 minutes, wash it with clean water. The oil stain was washed down with the batter.

In addition to the flour described above, it is actually OK:

1. Wipe the stain several times with a dry cloth to remove the excess stain.

2: pour Liby detergent into clear water and stir evenly.

3: Prepare a small spray bottle, pour detergent of water into it, you can spray it on the stain, remember not too much.

4: then you can gently wipe the stain, and the stain will be slowly eliminated;

5: Finally, wipe car window shade of the water on the detergent with clean water.