7 Inspiration Ideas about the Door the Original Home Door Can Be Designed like This!

Nendo studio in Japan has made 7 new interpretations of ordinary wooden doors, including lights, suspension, sliding, children, lattice, walls and corners. This "7 doors" work is specially designed to commemorate the partition plate th anniversary of Abe, a Japanese door and Kogyo70 manufacturer. Oki Sato said, "they require some new inspiration and creativity for the door. It is not necessarily a very perfect product, but the concept should be innovative". Next, let's take a look at this group of ideas about "doors!

Nendo studio in Japan has made 7 new interpretations of ordinary wooden doors, including lights, suspension, sliding, children, lattice, walls and corners. This "7 doors" work is specially designed to commemorate the partition plate th anniversary of Abe, a Japanese door and Kogyo70 manufacturer. Oki Sato said, "they require some new inspiration and creativity for the door. It is not necessarily a very perfect product, but the concept should be innovative". Next, let's take a look at this group of ideas about "doors!

1. Corner door:

corner Door design rendering

who said the door must be on a plane? This corner door makes full use of the corner of the home.

2. Sliding door:

sliding door design rendering

there is a feeling of separation and constant, you can check the door without opening the door.

3. Green plant door:

green Plant door design rendering

many people are willing to put green plants at home, which can not only freshen the air, but also play a decorative role. In addition to putting green plants, you can also put some small objects that need to be used casually. Simple and fresh, but it can make the home more creative highlights.

4. Lattice door:

lattice gate design rendering

this gradient lattice creation effect can really render the home atmosphere!

V. Wall door:

wall door design rendering

closing the door is a creative storage wall, and opening the door also has a different feeling. Besides, is it good to put some photos of family members here?

VI. Light door:

lamp door design rendering

if you get up at night and go to the bathroom, it will be very convenient with this door.

VII. Children's door:

children's door design rendering

each size is one, is it very loving? It can also be used as a pet door, or it can be opened in one body and do whatever you want.

After reading the above seven ideas about "door", do you feel that an ordinary door can be so innovative? Xiao Bian likes that plant door best, and the whole room can be fresh! (The above pictures are from the Internet)