The Ventilation Window Is So Beautiful! Appreciation of Various Variety Transom Pictures

Transom is a problem that every home decoration must consider. Basic transom can promote air circulation and facilitate indoor lighting. But don't think transom has only this effect. These beautiful transom decorative effects are also rare. You might as well learn about them with the editor! Bedroom wooden door picture Small...

Transom is a problem that every home decoration must consider. Basic transom can promote air circulation and facilitate indoor lighting. But don't think transom has only this effect. These beautiful transom decorative effects are also rare. You might as well learn about them with the editor!


Bedroom wooden door picture

small editor's words: Just say transom, you may not remember what this is, in fact, it is an auxiliary window for ventilation. When I was a child, there were neighbors who were old couples. Sometimes forgetfulness pulls the key at home. They came to ask me to climb the window. The child is small and can drill into the house from the top transom and open the door to let people go. Later, when I grew up, I was not good at drilling. Big Head, easy to get stuck.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

the words of the editor: There is an interesting celebrity thing that ubby Goldberg has no eyebrows from the eyes to the hairline. Although this has no effect on her at all, eyebrows are so important that they bring curve beauty to people's faces. So if you see a house with a bare roof, you can't help adding a "eyebrow curtain" to it, which is a corrugated Tiger window. This curve makes the lines of the House softer and more aesthetic.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

xiao Bian's words: Now, waveform Tiger windows can be seen everywhere on the roof. Because the price is high and it is not easy to do, once installed, it will make your house shine. This kind of Cathedral also uses a pair of corrugated Tiger windows, which is very aesthetic and visual impact.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

small editor's words: the corrugated Tiger window is installed at the central position above the front door, which plays a role in beautifying the roof.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

small editor's words: the repeated arrangement of corrugated Tiger windows makes the house dance like waves. This kind of window can make the attic have good lighting.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

small editor's words: from this photo, we can see that several small windows and door panels effectively surround this mahogany wooden door. In the daytime, the sun outside the house shines in, and people can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the house.

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The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

small editor's words: the transom above the storage room can introduce the natural light in the kitchen to places without windows.

通气窗还可以这样美美哒! 多款百变气窗图片赏析图7

The ventilation window is so beautiful! Appreciation of various variety transom Pictures

small editor's words: this is a simple bathroom. The biggest highlight lies in the transom on the door, echoing the window beside the bathtub, which is harmonious and aesthetic. (The picture in this article comes from the Internet)