The Dining Table Is against the Gate. the Dining Table Is against the Gate.

Some houses have no porch, and when they open the door, it is the living room or dining room, which leads to the dining table facing the door. In Feng Shui, this situation is not good, let's take a look at all the taboos.

Some houses have no porch, and when they open the door, it is the living room or dining room, which leads to the dining table facing the door. In Feng Shui, this situation is not good, let's take a look at all the taboos.

Can the dining table face entry door?

From the perspective of life, the dining table facing entry door is actually not good. The dining table is closely related to the daily diet. If someone pushes the door and enters during the meal, it will directly interrupt the meal rhythm and affect the appetite. In addition, pushing the door and entering the restaurant is actually not good for protecting the privacy of family members. All aspects of diet are completely exposed. If there are outsiders entering the restaurant at this time, it will affect the mood of diners, it makes people feel uncomfortable. Since ancient times, Chinese people have said that they eat without saying anything, that is to say, they need a relatively quiet environment when eating, but if the dining table is facing the entry door, there will always be people opening and closing, in and out will destroy the dining atmosphere.

From the perspective of home feng shui, entry door is a barrier that isolates dirt from dirty gas to avoid its impact on home feng shui. However, if you open entry door, you can see the dining table, then as the door opens, some dirty gas will first reach the dining table area, which is naturally harmful to health. The airflow entering the room is better to have room for maneuver, so as to prevent the direct airflow from scattering the wealth originally gathered in the room, but if the dining table is right at entry door, the incoming airflow will directly rush to the dining table, it will disperse the wealth and cannot form a roundabout, so it will not play the role of hiding the wind and gathering the air. In addition, the dining table is actually the gathering place of happiness in the home. If it faces the entry door, when opening the door, these happiness will flow to the outside, resulting in poor family career.

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table placement taboo at home

in fact, in addition to the fact that the dining table at home cannot be right at entry door, there are still many taboos to pay attention to. Let's take a look at it in detail.

1. The dining table cannot be washed with the bathroom.

As mentioned above, the dining table is the gathering place of Fu Lu's gas, while the bathroom is the space with the most filthy gas in the home. If the dining table is placed against the bathroom door, the dirty gas flowing out from the toilet will disperse the fortune, thus affecting the career. In addition, the dining table facing the bathroom door will also make people feel uncomfortable, which has a great influence on appetite.

2. The dining table cannot be placed under the beam

the beam will make people feel very serious pressure, especially the beam located at the top of the head, which will also affect the personal fortune. If the dining table at home is just under the beam, it will give people an invisible pressure when eating, which will easily lead to poor luck over time. At this time, you may as well move the dining table to another place or hide the beam during decoration design to reduce the influence of the beam on household feng shui.

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3. The dining table cannot be placed at the stairs.

If the home is a duplex structure, do not place the dining table under the stairs or at the entrance of the stairs. Stairs are the channels connecting the upper and lower spaces, and also the places where the airflow flows through the upper and lower spaces. If the dining table is placed at the stairs, it will affect the circulation of indoor airflow and also affect the fortune.

4. The dining table is not suitable for altar

some people will worship gods at home, for example, the most common ones are the God of Wealth, Guanyin statue and so on. At this time, we must pay attention to it. It is better not to place the dining table in front of the gods, that is to say, the dining table must be far away from altar, in order to avoid violating the gods, it will not only destroy the feng shui pattern of the family, but also seriously affect the gathering of fortune.

How to crack the table facing the door in the restaurant

① re-select the dining area

② set screens or door curtains and storage cabinets between the restaurant and the door to form partitions.

③ if you are facing toilet door, you can change toilet door to hidden door to hide

if this is the case in your home, adjust the table layout as soon as possible!

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