Where Is the Headquarters of Zunshang Doors and Windows?

How about joining zunshang doors and windows? What is the process of joining zunshang doors and windows? How much does it cost to join zunshang doors and windows? If you want to join zunshang doors and windows, can you go to the headquarters for inspection? Where is the headquarters address? The franchisee who wants to join the zunshang doors and windows project cannot ignore the joining knowledge of zunshang doors and windows. Let's learn about it together.

How about joining zunshang doors and windows? What is the process of joining zunshang doors and windows? How much does it cost to join zunshang doors and windows? If you want to join zunshang doors and windows, can you go to the headquarters for inspection? Where is the headquarters address? The franchisee who wants to join the zunshang doors and windows project cannot ignore the joining knowledge of zunshang doors and windows. Let's learn about it together.


(Image Source: zunshang doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

zunshang doors and windows merchants join the basic information

basic investment: 100000-300000

number of stores: 500-1000

brand name: zunshang doors and windows

brand creation Time: 2004

joining agent area: Nationwide

suitable for people: self-employment


(Image Source: zunshang doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

zunshang door and window investment policy

1. High decoration subsidy, return immediately after opening.

2. Sample discounts are supported.

3. Advertising investment support.

4. Monthly rebate and monthly promotion.

5. One-to-one store assistance, from store site selection, design, sample, installation and debugging, opening.

Advantages of joining:

advantage 1: Top 10 brands in the industry (Sina home)

120000 square meters of self-built plant, more than 6000 enterprises stand out

advantage 2: 8-day delivery, industry benchmark

lean management of Japanese enterprises, 8-day delivery, only this one

advantage 3: high subsidy, return immediately after opening

advantage 4: monthly sales rebate

advantage 5: One-on-one support for store operation

advantage 6: complete categories and full coverage at the low end of high school

advantage 7: accurate online and offline advertising

accurate Big Data advertising, offline dispatch

advantage 8: movie star Ma Yiyi endorsement

zunshang door and window netizen comments

nickname: Wenwen

vertical hinged door of the doors and windows used in the store have been zunshang for many years, and the link position of other miscellaneous hinge has always been fixed very well.

Nickname: Little Sister Wang

the latest unique design of Amber time glass mirror. My friends who visited the home said it was very tasteful.

Nickname: Xiaoice

our Sunshine Room also uses gem 138 series, which looks very high-end and the installation attitude is also very good.

Nickname: Anonymous

good quality, affordable price, trustworthy brand

how do mass consumers evaluate zunshang doors and windows? I believe everyone can have a certain understanding from consumers' word-of-mouth evaluation.


(Image Source: zunshang doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

the above is a brief introduction to the joining of zunshang doors and windows project. If you want to know more about the joining policies of zunshang doors and windows, please leave a message online, call for consultation or visit our company in person! Address: Shishan Xiaotang industrial zone, Nanhai district, Foshan city, Guangdong province, the headquarters of Times Hui Industry