Security Window Guardrail Should Be Checked Regularly, So as Not to Make Security Window Potential Safety Hazard

Some time ago, the wind and rain went together, and the reporter walked in the buildings of the city. Looking at those security window hanging high above the head, he was really worried that they would be blown down by the strong wind. Some people even regard security window as the "second balcony", with many bottles and cans on it, which makes people feel numb.

Some time ago, the wind and rain went together, and the reporter walked in the buildings of the city. Looking at those security window hanging high above the head, he was really worried that they would be blown down by the strong wind. Some people even regard security window as the "second balcony", with many bottles and cans on it, which makes people feel numb.

These security window not only add unnecessary burden to the building itself, but also cause many potential safety hazards. Some of them are in disrepair for security window years. Now they are rusty and some even crumble, people and residents of the community are always worried when passing through the road. They only security window into "time bombs" one by one. Maybe one day they will fall down and hurt passers-by, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

To eliminate this potential safety hazard, citizens should always check whether their own security window are firm and dismantle unsafe security window in time.

And in recent years, accidents caused by relying on security window or guardrails have occurred from time to time. Is your security window really safe? On the morning of January 11, the reporter visited several communities in Lacey and found that security window was installed in most homes. However, there are few inspections on security window in normal days, which also lays hidden dangers for the occurrence of danger. To this end, insiders remind that it is necessary to regularly check the firmness of security window or guardrails at home.

Never think that any protective product can be 100% safe, never put down the string of safety in your heart, and never regret until tragedy happens.