Door Facing Bathroom Door Master Parsing Door Facing Bathroom Door Feng Shui Taboo

The door made a big taboo on the toilet. The toilet is a dirty place. If the door is facing the toilet, it will cause diseases and bad luck. Therefore, do not face the door to the toilet. Because feng shui emphasizes that the wind of the disabled is full of gas, and the doors and windows are the mouth of the gas, so a large part of the factors of whether the gas field in the home is good or not come from this.

The door made a big taboo on the toilet. The toilet is a dirty place. If the door is facing the toilet, it will cause diseases and bad luck. Therefore, do not face the door to the toilet. Because feng shui emphasizes that the wind of the disabled is full of gas, and the doors and windows are the mouth of the gas, so a large part of the factors of whether the gas field in the home is good or not come from this. Let's take a look at the Feng Shui taboo between the door and the bathroom door with the editor for your reference.

Toilet feng shui knowledge

in Chinese fengshui, toilet style is the most important part of home space. Whether it is home or company, its overall fortune is often related to toilet feng shui, therefore, the location and orientation of toilets in the home space are very particular.

Door facing bathroom door feng shui

the main stove of the door of Yangzhai is the first, and the main door is the rise and fall of a house. Therefore, we should not underestimate this area when creating feng shui. In ancient theory, one is a household and two are a door. The door is a gas port, which is designed to absorb gas, and to absorb both gas and gas. The door focuses on the main road and gets angry with all directions. The door must be straight, thick and auspicious. Therefore, Feng Shui is very important when we build the portal. First of all, we should pay attention to the door shape not being skewed, weird, incomplete, damaged, not being able to use the door to the toilet, and also avoiding the front door to the back door. Be careful not to mirror inside the door, and it is not good to commit "light echo.

The situation where the door is opposite to the door is called door punch. Entry door is facing toilet door, which is like a sharp sword passing through the house. This kind of pattern is called "through the sword" on the wind and water, which is very harmful to family fortune, besides, the gas received by the gate is auspicious, which is the most important place for a house except the window. And the toilet? It belongs to dirty land, and its water vapor is heavy and turbid gas is reborn. For example, when facing the toilet with the door, a fierce and a lucky gas rushed into the toilet when the door entered, and the dirty gas discharged from the toilet rushed out directly. Imagine that wealth and turbid gas are bound to disturb feng shui. The resulting gas field is unbalanced.

The hub of the air field input by the door in traditional architectural feng shui plays a role of sucking in new air and spitting out dirty air. Many people will ignore this position when feng shui is arranged, but what the editor wants to say is that you can't do the feng shui of the door when creating feng shui, let alone the feng shui of each functional area. We build the feng shui of the door not only to avoid the door to the toilet, but also to pay attention to the door should be clean and bright, so as not to hinder the air transport. Don't pile garbage around the door, and don't put it here except for sundries.

Several taboos of toilet feng shui

1. The toilet faces the bedroom door, and the toilet faces the bedroom door, which is not good for health, especially for women in the family who are prone to gynecological problems.

2, the toilet to the door, the toilet to the door is easy to break the money, such as the door to the toilet, the leakage of money is more serious.

3. Toilet door to kitchen door, the toilet is dirty air close to things, and people in the room are prone to stomach disease.

4. The toilet must always be dry and clean, otherwise it is easy to accumulate yin qi.

5. Toilet door must not be opposite to bedroom door. The main residents are sick.

Editor's summary: the feng shui of the door facing the bathroom door is introduced here. For more information, you can follow the website information.