Shimufang: the Symbolic Meaning of Each Color! Do You Understand?

If you want to decorate your house or are decorating, you must pay attention to color mates. If it is matched well, it can produce strange effects. If it is not matched well, it will form another extreme. However, each color system has its symbolic meaning. White is a pure and flawless color.

If you want to decorate your house or are decorating, you must pay attention to color mates. If it is matched well, it can produce strange effects. If it is not matched well, it will form another extreme. However, each color system has its symbolic meaning.

White is a pure and flawless color. With White as the main hue, the object presents a simple, elegant and clean feeling. For people who like simple and quiet, it is undoubtedly the best choice. The contrast color matching of white and black can produce simple and calm effect. To be precise, matching white with any color can produce a good effect.


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but White also has a disadvantage. White and White are a kind of strengthened "colorlessness", symbolizing weakness and lack of power, and a metaphor for illusory dreams.


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black represents eternity, calmness, heaviness, seriousness, night, darkness, gloom, formality, etc., which makes people feel depressed, solemn and even horrible emotional reactions, usually symbolizing darkness, death, fear, heaviness, tension, etc.


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red gives people enthusiastic and positive emotional reactions, full of festive colors.

Red is most suitable for young newlyweds. It not only reflects the strong and bold personality of the host, but also shows vitality and NATRICH. In addition, according to the test, red can make people's appetite reach its peak. Red is like the sunshine in the morning, and White is like nephrite, which will also bring dangerous psychological reactions and attract the attention of the audience very effectively. Therefore, when we deal with some enthusiastic news information, we can add red to cooperate with the spread. However, in the West, Red is often associated with fear and bleeding.


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yellow is a warm color of gold.

It is a kind of sun and creative color, which has the emotional meaning of joy, wealth and glory. However, yellow is also divided into orange yellow and dark yellow. The former is bright and pleasant; The latter reminds people of the uncleanness of withering and decay.


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green represents freshness, safety, comfort, nature, environmental protection, vitality and youth. It is a relaxed and pleasant color.

Green is a theme that will never run out and will never make people bored, because every change in it corresponds to human's impression of nature, so Green is suitable for all people who like it. The transition from light green to gray green and then to dark purple completes the transition from outdoor to indoor, which corresponds to the natural response of human vision to space.


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orange is the cheerful and lively fresh color, and it is also the warmest color in the warm color series.

It reminds people of the golden autumn, which is fruitful and a color full of abundance, joy and happiness. When Orange is slightly mixed with black or white, it will become a steady, implicit and bright warm color. Adding more white to Orange will bring a feeling of sweetness. When mixing more black, it will become a burnt color. The penetration of Orange in the air is second only to red, and the color feeling is warmer than red. The brightest orange should be the warmest color. It can bring people a solemn and honorable sense of mystery. Therefore, orange belongs to psychological color.

Light blue is a rational color, indicating beauty, freshness and tranquility. It symbolizes a fresh, clear and logical attitude.

When people see light blue, they will feel open, broad, profound, stable and calm.


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dark blue represents composure, science, rationality, speed and indifference. It is a color full of dreams and always keeps a clear and romantic feeling. Dark blue is more fresh and elegant under the cover of Nature. It is especially suitable for white-collar workers who are busy with work, so that noisy hearts can reach the quiet harbor. Matching with other colors will also produce unexpected effects. Blue and Yellow match, fresh and eye-catching, showing maturity and elegance. Blue cabinets decorated with orange can increase vitality and activity.


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purple is the color of the king, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing ". On behalf of nobility, courage and growth

purple is a combination of red and blue, and the tone can be cold and warm, depending on the quantity ratio of red and blue components. Purple is the color that appears when space and distance gradually increase in the environment. It often reminds people of mystery and illusion.

Pink symbolizes cute, sweet, innocent and gentle. Pink is a dreamy color.

It is also the color that girls have been longing for. Pink gives off a kind of candy, as if it is a lover in love, giving people infinite beauty. Pink is also widely used in life, clothes, furniture and accessories middle pink indispensable.

Gray is a color composed of black and white, lacking gloss and brightness. Represent sincerity, calm and exquisite

among them, iron Ash, charcoal gray and dark gray virtually send out strong messages such as intelligence, success and strong prestige; Medium gray and light gray have the silence of philosophers.


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brown is the color of the Earth, which is associated with the land, fertility and generosity. It is natural and soft. Compared with gray, Brown has a warmer tone. Of course, Brown also reminds people of the words of sludge, chaos and mess.


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wood color is a pastoral color that returns to the original nature. The simplicity of solid wood, coupled with simple modeling design, makes the rural atmosphere full of family space. The simplicity of wood is supplemented by light blue and dark green, which can show a warm feeling.

The above is arranged by Xiaofang for everyone. Eleven kinds of colors and symbolic meanings are commonly used in home. I hope it will be helpful to you. The whole house of shimufang is customized, and each color matching design is carefully selected to make your home beautiful and unique symbolic. If you want to decorate your home, you can also think about what kind of symbolic meaning you want to show.

(Article Source: shimufang public number, invasion and deletion)