Where Is the Headquarters Address of Jingyi Wooden Door? Is the Evaluation of Jingyi Wooden Door Good?

Where is the headquarters address of Jingyi wooden door? Is the evaluation of Jingyi wooden door good? The current industry is an indispensable hard decoration, and the current industry must choose the best for home installation. So is the fine wooden door product good among many brands? How do netizens evaluate the fine wooden door and the joining policy of fine wooden door?

Where is the headquarters address of Jingyi wooden door? Is the evaluation of Jingyi wooden door good? The current industry is an indispensable hard decoration, and the current industry must choose the best for home installation. So is the fine wooden door product good among many brands? How do netizens evaluate the fine wooden door and the joining policy of fine wooden door? Let's take a look at it with Jingyi wooden door!


(Image Source: Official website of Jingyi wooden door, invasion and deletion)

fine Art wooden door investment policy

standards for distributors to join:

first-level distributor agency qualification:

1. Brand security deposit: 20000 yuan.

2. The annual sales return amount is more than 1 million yuan.

3. Establish a unified image store according to the company's requirements, with an area of no less than 120 square meters.

Second-level distributor agency qualification:

1. Brand security deposit: 10000 yuan.

2. The annual sales return amount is more than 500000 yuan.

3. Establish a unified image store according to the company's requirements, with an area of not less than 100 square meters.

Third-level distributor agency qualification:

1. Brand security deposit 5000 ------ 10000 yuan.

2. The annual sales return amount is more than 300000 yuan.

3. Establish a unified image store according to the company's requirements, with an area of not less than 80 square meters.

Remarks: The first level is the capital city and the municipality directly under the central government

the second level is Prefecture-level and above-prefecture-level cities.

Level 3 is county-level city

the store must be supported and the store must be profitable. For the fine art wooden door of the new store, dealers will be provided with zero-basic professional training and guidance, and every link will be spared, eliminating the worries of partners. China's most advanced one-stop management system and the most complete pragmatic store operation support in the industry provide sufficient guarantee for the profits of store opening.

1. Market research and analysis

2. Shop location planning

3. Decoration drawing output

4. Store decoration guidance

5. Sales training for shop assistants

6. Store management support

7. Installation technical training

8. After-sales service guidance

9. Opening plan support

10. Advertising Design Support

11. Promotion plan support

12. Promotional material support


(Image Source: Official website of Jingyi wooden door, invasion and deletion)

jingyi wooden door reputation evaluation


(Image Source: Official website of Jingyi wooden door, invasion and deletion)

if you want to join the Jingyi wooden door, you can carefully visit and investigate the headquarters of Jingyi wooden door, observe the humanistic environment of Jingyi wooden door headquarters, and whether the products of Jingyi wooden door are refined and serious. The above is a brief introduction to Jingyi wooden door. Welcome to leave a message online and call us for consultation!