What Line of Brands Are Baiwei International Doors and Windows? How about Joining Baiwei International Doors and Windows?

Many dealers are optimistic about the investment outlet of doors and windows. So, what line of brands are Baiwei International doors and windows? How about joining Baiwei International doors and windows? What are the support policies for Baiwei International doors and windows?

At present, China's economy is entering a new development stage led by consumption, and consumption upgrading makes people no longer satisfied with simple material needs. With the development of national economy, people have put forward higher requirements for the living environment on which they live every day. Many dealers are optimistic about the investment outlet of doors and windows. So, what line of brands are Baiwei International doors and windows? How about joining Baiwei International doors and windows? What are the support policies for Baiwei International doors and windows?


Distributor's "reassurance"-joining support "considerate"

80000 square meters of production base, mature and stable quality delivery time, nine major support to help terminal stores, 15 years of brand accumulation, single brand operation and so on have all built stable investment advantages for Baiwei International doors and windows.


Eight joining support policies:

1. Store opening support: Select the store address according to the actual situation of the distributor, and provide one-on-one considerate service throughout the whole process to ensure that the distributor has its own high-end, elegant and upstanding doors and windows store, as long as the image conforms to the company's SI image design scheme of more than 80%, you can get high decoration subsidies.

2. Unified Image: unified store image decoration is used nationwide, and store design is supported free of charge throughout the whole process, so that you can open a store without worry. According to the dealer's requirements, we will combine the design of Baiwei International doors and windows VI, including the hard and soft clothes of the whole store. The designer will serve you one by one until the store is officially operated.

3. Advertising support: the company's headquarters not only has a professional brand official website, but also has a strong promotion team, which regularly promotes advertisements, APP advertisements, interior decoration material platforms, etc. in major media, bringing continuous orders to distributors, the company also participates in national high-level industry exhibitions every year for brand promotion.

4. Brand support: authorized use of the brand VI system, enjoy nationwide brand activities and promotions, and enhance store influence and appeal; Product catalogue. Advertising posters, flyer and other technical accessories comprehensively improve the image of the terminal store.

5. Activity support: holiday store local mall activities or dealer planning activities, the company has a professional planning department, giving specific planning plans and special product support, the headquarters of the company also sent competent regional managers and technicians to assist in the door to improve the effect of the activity and help dealers receive dozens or even hundreds of orders.

6. Training Support: The company has an independent training team. Whether it is product knowledge or marketing strategy, it will regularly hold training courses for distributors. Your growth is the original intention of Baiwei International and win-win cooperation.

7. Sales support: the company headquarters will implement various incentive policies every year to reward partners with excellent sales performance. If you reach the set annual sales, you can enjoy high rebate support.

8. Regional monopoly: the principle of attracting investment with administrative region as the authorized business scope is adopted, and the exclusive region authorizes the brand operation of "Baiwei International" to fully guarantee the scope of the dealer's business area.

[Join intention form] fsbaiwei[/join intention form]

with the impact of diversified channels in the home market, many traditional dealers have also changed from the original "business" to "business" and started to go out of the store to expand their channels. It can be seen from the joining support policy of Baiwei International doors and windows that almost every one is considered from the perspective of dealers, such as store decoration, sales support, regional monopoly, etc. The considerate help policy is undoubtedly to give the intended distributors a "reassurance" to jointly create a wealth life.

(Through the above understanding, many dealers are already eager to know more about Baiwei International doors and windows. Click to obtain one-to-one joining service.)