Wooden Door Peeling How to Repair Wooden Door Peeling

Wooden door is a very popular style of doors and windows in the interior decoration material market. No matter what style you choose for home decoration, there will always be a few wooden doors at home. However, although the wooden door is beautiful and abundant, it is also corresponding to the delicate and easy problems. Today, let's talk about how to peel the wooden door? How to fix it.

Wooden door is a very popular style of doors and windows in the interior decoration material market. No matter what style you choose for home decoration, there will always be a few wooden doors at home. However, although the wooden door is beautiful and abundant, it is also corresponding to the delicate and easy problems. Today, let's talk about how to peel the wooden door? How to fix it.

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what about wooden door peeling?

The reason for wooden door peeling is that the sizing of wood veneer is not in place, or the glue used is unqualified. It may also be that the moisture content of the material is too high, but now the place is too dry.

Repair Method of wooden door peeling:

1. First remove the door and lay it flat. Cut the peeling place with wallpaper knife

2. Then be careful to apply handle grips (splicing glue and milky white glue are OK, but unqualified or fermented glue cannot be used) to it. If it has been completely tilted, it will be directly applied.

3. Finally, wipe the remaining glue with a wet cloth and press the flat weight for four hours.

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when applying glue, you must apply the glue. It is especially important to pay attention to the wood skin of the pattern part of the door leaf. It is necessary to repeatedly check whether it is smooth, before veneer, make sure that the pattern on the solid wood door door leaf has been pressed to check whether the solid wood door veneer is qualified. Pay attention to the following points:

one hand holds the veneer and goes along the direction of the door panel. The worker who sticks the veneer will stick the veneer along the direction of the solid wood door door leaf, but we should also pay attention to the details, if the door panel is smooth at the last time with your hand, one hand will touch the veneer attached to it at the same time, otherwise the solid wood door of the finished product will appear drum bag.

After confirming the veneer and adhesive, the next step is to carry out the process of veneer, and see whether the surface of the solid wood door is smooth from the side of the door panel. Solid wood door the workers from the manufacturer quickly white latex the rolling brush on the door panel, whether there is foaming phenomenon.

Under the light, check whether there is peeling phenomenon in the next solid wood door, and the dust on the door panel has been cleaned before it can be peeled. Although thin veneer is more used to combine with adhesive.

OK, this is the introduction about the repair method of wooden door peeling. I believe that after reading the above introduction about how to repair wooden door peeling, everyone knows if it is handled. Go and try it.

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