How to Repair the Anti-Theft Door Handle If It Is Broken

Anti-theft door handle is not only related to the comfort level of the anti-theft door, but also affects the quality of the anti-theft door to a certain extent. Moreover, the anti-theft door handle of different materials, sizes and designs will bring different switching door experience, and not all door handles are suitable for use on security doors.

Now the use of security doors is very common, almost every household's door uses security doors. In this way, the problem of the broken handle of the anti-theft door also arises. How to fix the broken handle of the anti-theft door and how to solve the common problems of the anti-theft door handle? Let Xiao Bian popularize it for everyone.

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Anti-theft door handle problem

1. Anti-theft door handle

under normal circumstances, the quality of the security door handle has little to do with the door. Consumers often only pay attention to the quality of the security door when purchasing, and do not care too much about the quality of the security door handle. I thought that as long as the anti-theft door handle looks beautiful and is easy to use, but the actual situation is not the case.

Anti-theft door handle is not only related to the comfort level of the anti-theft door, but also affects the quality of the anti-theft door to a certain extent. Moreover, the anti-theft door handle of different materials, sizes and designs will bring different switching door experience, and not all door handles are suitable for use on security doors.

2. What should I do if the anti-theft door handle is broken

1. Welding

you can ask a familiar person for help or a welding worker outside, but the machine is relatively heavy. Generally, door-to-door maintenance is very expensive, and dozens of dollars are not necessarily invited to move.

2. Tighten the handle

if the horizontal one on the outside handle is bar end loose, you can tighten it.

Tools required: screwdriver (plum blossom and word) vice, adjustable wrench, hammer shape.

3. How to repair the broken handle of the security door-repair method

first, take off the handle. The first step is to see a screw cap of the size of the coin and take it off. There is a gasket at the same time. The second step is to knock the gasket flat with hammer shape, at the same time, the position where the handle is placed on the gasket is leveled (the purpose is to make the gasket and handle seamlessly paste) and finally tighten the screws, OK (note whether to open the door or right, don't change the direction of handle when you go up.

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3. Change the lock directly

tools required: plum blossom, slotted screwdriver, hammer shape.

Handle with quick lock (that is, movable handle with reverse lock when you go out handle)

(1) when taking it off, pay attention to the spring and latch in the inner and outer handles, which are easy to fall into the door.

(2) it can be seen that there is a gasket under the "clip" at the junction of the handle and the handle to observe the degree of wear between the clip and the gasket and the handle, and how big the gap is. Take off the clip with a screwdriver, and then use the gap on hammer shape handle to knock a little smaller, or add a gasket, and finally install it.

The above is how to fix the broken door handle and solve the common problems of the door handle shared by Xiao Bian. I hope it will be helpful to you.