Why Is Broken Bridge Aluminum Packs Balcony Harmful? Let Insiders Analyze

Recently, people who search for broken bridge aluminum will find that there is such a saying "broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies are harmful" in baidu related searches. Now, it is basically used to decorate and seal balconies and change doors and windows. How can anyone say that broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies are harmful? What I want to say is that if you are greedy for cheap price, you can buy low price and poor quality

Recently, people who search for broken bridge aluminum will find that there is such a saying "broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies are harmful" in baidu related searches. Now, it is basically used to decorate and seal balconies and change doors and windows. How can anyone say that broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies are harmful? What I want to say is that if you are greedy for cheap price and buy a broken bridge aluminum-pack balcony with low price and poor quality, it will do harm, but if it is a qualified brand, it will definitely improve the taste of home decoration and the living and sleeping environment.


Why is broken bridge aluminum packs of balcony harmful? Mainly because the price is low and the quality is broken bridge aluminum bad.

1. PRICE: qualified high-quality, plus high-quality hardware, Diamond Net car window shade, the average price will not be lower than 700 yuan per square meter, but the editor found that some online merchants cost 480 yuan, the full package price of 580 yuan and so on, such a low price, how good do you think it will be? This is still in Beijing. In some cities of Line 3, 4 and 5, there is a full package price of more than 300 yuan, there is still a large market for such low prices. Can the quality be qualified for such low prices? Miscellaneous brand aluminum materials, recycled aluminum materials, wall thickness is not up to standard, hardware parts are made of twenty-31 sets, car window shade dozens of pieces, glass is made of thin, such doors and windows are resistant to wind pressure difference, a typhoon passed, the whole balcony doors and windows have to be blown off; It is not broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies that harm people, but we are hurting ourselves. Therefore, don't choose non-standard miscellaneous broken bridge aluminum windows to save money and be cheap.


2. Quality: if it is said that broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies are harmful, it must be that you bought broken bridge aluminum windows at home. Later, there are many problems and troubles like this, so there will be such a one-sided conclusion, in the final analysis, there is still a problem with the quality of the Broken Bridge aluminum I bought. Some people are greedy for buying cheap and inferior ones. Some people spend high prices to buy things that are not worth the money. For example, some consumers don't understand, I heard that the merchants fooled me and chose some fake Germany. The editor also knew some inside stories. There are many fake OEM Germany in Beijing. This kind of doors and windows have physical stores in all major building materials markets, the selling price is also very high, but many aluminum materials are produced and OEM by Shandong small factories. The quality cannot be said to be very poor, but the editor thinks it is not worth the money, some fake German brands mainly focus on Beijing's rural market, taking low prices as selling points, occupying most of the rural door and window markets, but many people also respond that this problem always occurs in their own windows, but I only spent so much money to buy it. The quality is not very good. They also understand that it is better than plastic steel doors and windows. Most rural owners think like this, the cheaper broken bridge aluminum is better than plastic steel.

At present, the mainstream doors and windows still have many advantages. Don't be misunderstood by "broken bridge aluminum packs of balconies to harm people". We also recommend that consumers choose brands and don't choose inferior miscellaneous brands that are not up to standard doors and windows at a low price.