2020 How Much Is the Price of Phoenix Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Per Square Meter?

Aluminum alloy doors and windows, as an economical and affordable door and window material, are still in use in many places in the South. Despite the mainstream in recent years, many owners who intend to replace doors and windows have focused their attention on broken bridge aluminum windows, but for some fourth-and fifth-tier cities, or owners who only like sliding window will still choose

Aluminum alloy doors and windows, as an economical and affordable door and window material, are still in use in many places in the South. Despite the mainstream in recent years, many owners who intend to replace doors and windows have focused their attention on broken bridge aluminum windows, however, for some fourth-and fifth-tier cities, or owners who only like sliding window, they will still choose to use aluminum alloy doors and windows to close the balcony. Among them, the brand of aluminum alloy doors and windows sold better in the market is fengaluminum aluminium windows.

How much is the price of Phoenix aluminum alloy doors and windows per square meter in 2020?

At present, there is no uniform standard price for fengaluminum aluminum alloy on the market. The price can only be calculated based on the aluminum alloy model, wall thickness and glass configuration, but there are still probable price, the market price of Phoenix aluminum alloy doors and windows type 789 is-360 yuan per square meter, while Phoenix aluminum alloy type 799 has a wall thickness of 1.8mm, and the market price is between 360-380 yuan per square meter; If it is Phoenix aluminum broken bridge aluminum, take 70 series as an example, the average price in Beijing is 800-1100 yuan per square meter. 铝合金门窗价格 What should we pay attention to if we choose other brands of aluminum alloy doors and windows? 1. Look at the aluminum material: if it is not the selected brand aluminum material, we should look at the wall thickness of the miscellaneous brand aluminum material. The wall thickness of many aluminum alloy doors and windows is only 1.0-1.2mm, which is lower than the international standard. As an outdoor window, it is very important for wall thickness requirements. At least aluminium windows households have to have a wall thickness greater than or equal to 1.4mm. It is not recommended to use aluminium windows materials that are too thin. Otherwise, the entire firmness of the window, the wind pressure resistance is greatly reduced. For the safety of family and others, we must choose materials that conform to the national standard. There is not much difference between one square meter. Since the big head is spent, there are still hundreds of thousands left. 2. Glass configuration: aluminium windows glass should choose double-layer hollow tempered glass, do not choose single-layer glass, poor sound insulation and heat preservation, and do not choose ordinary hollow glass. Tempered glass should be the minimum standard requirement, ordinary hollow glass has low strength, and many merchants use 4cm glass to cut corners. If it is tempered glass, at least 5 miles of glass can enter toughening furnace; the difference between ordinary hollow glass and tempered insulation glass is only dozens of yuan per square meter. 3. Hardware: it is not required to be a big brand. The hardware of aluminum alloy windows is mainly pulley, and nylon silent pulley should be selected. 凤铝铝合金门窗价格

2020 how much is the price of other brands of aluminum alloy doors and windows per square meter?

In addition to Phoenix aluminum alloy doors and windows, there are many brands in the market. The price of aluminum alloy doors and windows of these brands is also between 240-280 yuan per square meter. If you choose single-layer glass, it is estimated to be about 200 yuan per square meter. Urban residential doors and windows are not recommend to use. It is suitable for building houses in rural areas of some small counties. If the budget for building and decoration is sufficient, it is better to choose broken bridge aluminum windows and car window shade integrated doors and windows.