Identification and Application of Three Broken Bridge Aluminum Heat Insulation Strips

Broken Bridge aluminum heat insulation strip is an important judgment standard to distinguish aluminum alloy doors and windows. It is precisely because of the appearance of broken bridge aluminum heat insulation strip that it has good heat insulation, sound insulation, sealing and heat preservation performance, today, broken bridge aluminum brand takes you to learn about the identification and application of three broken bridge aluminum heat insulation strips. Currently

Broken Bridge aluminum heat insulation strip it is an important judgment standard to distinguish aluminum alloy doors and windows. It is because of the appearance of broken bridge aluminum heat insulation strip that it has good heat insulation, sound insulation, sealing and heat preservation performance, today, easy window net takes you to learn about the identification and application of three broken bridge aluminum heat insulation strips.

The current broken bridge aluminum heat insulation strip market is divided into three levels: one is imported nylon heat insulation strip (PA66GF) represented by Tylenol style Baotai; The other is domestic nylon heat insulation strip produced in 2003; third, domestic PVC insulation strip. Among them, there is a huge difference between the insulation strip of the third layer PVC material and the linear expansion coeffcient of the aluminum alloy, and its use safety cannot be guaranteed due to its insufficient strength and poor aging resistance. Therefore, it has been used by European doors and windows, eliminated by curtain wall industry. However, the difference and difference between imported insulation strips and domestic insulation strips made of nylon glass fiber (PA66GF) are obvious. As one of the main drafting units of European standards and China's industry standards being determined, tainuo Feng Baotai (TechnoformBAUTEC) is a world-wide large supplier of nylon insulation strips, now it has become the first partner to consider in domestic thermal insulation aluminum alloy doors and windows and curtain wall projects, but due and special insulation strip for curtain wall is still a relatively new product field in our country. In order to enable the majority of technical engineers to distinguish and identify more accurately, the following will introduce the identification methods of these three types of heat insulation strips to the industry from several aspects.

1. Appearance. Tainuo style Baotai nylon insulation strip is black and matte. Generally, each interval of 60~80cm is marked with laser code printing of TechnoformBAUTEC trademarks, product specifications, production batch numbers, etc., and the whole is smooth and smooth, no shrinkage hole, no looseness, no scratches and mold extrusion marks, the special luster of minerals (glass fiber distribution) can be seen in detail, and there are no paring line marks on the end face of the heat insulation strip; other imported or domestic nylon insulation strips are gray-black or dark black without any trademark marks. The Strip body is relatively rough. The extrusion marks of the mold and paring line marks on the end face of the head are obviously visible, and there are shrinkage holes and looseness; however, the PVC insulation strip is bright black without any trademark marks. The Strip is rough and the extrusion marks of the mold are obviously visible. There are a large number of shrinkage holes, asymmetric head size and irregular.

2. Breaking experiment. Take the sample of type I specification 25cm to carry out manual breaking experiment. When Taino style Baotai nylon insulation strip is bent, it can feel good toughness and strength, and it will not break when it is bent to the two ends, even if the fracture is slow cracking phenomenon; Other imported or domestic nylon insulation strips are either brittle and have a certain distance between the two ends when they are bent (caused by uneven glass fiber particles), either the toughness is obvious, repeated bending for many times (caused by insufficient glass fiber content);PVC insulation strip is very soft, basically no strength, repeated bending will not break.

3. Ordinary ignition experiment. Nylon insulation strip is a light yellow flame when burning, and it will continue to burn when leaving the lighter. PVC insulation strip is a blue flame when burning, and it will be extinguished when leaving the fire source. If you want to know whether your own heat insulation strip is nylon strip or PVC strip, just test it with a lighter. At present, Tylenol-style Baotai nylon heat insulation strip is mainly used in some high-end office buildings, it is a material customized by some large door and window manufacturers or some imported materials. Brand aluminum profiles are only used, such as German xuge, while most domestic brand aluminum profiles use domestic nylon insulation strips, and some small factories or miscellaneous brands use PVC broken bridge aluminum.