How Much Is the Price of Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows on 2020?

In 2020, there were still many brands in the market and the prices were complicated. Generally speaking, this year's price has not changed much compared with last year. I believe many people hope that as long as the price is stabilized, it is good not to raise the price. Compared with the decoration industry, the price of decoration companies has generally increased by 8%-10% this year.

2020 is an extraordinary and unforgettable year for Chinese people. Here, we first pay tribute to the medical staff and all workers who are fighting in the front line of anti-epidemic. The market in 2020 is different from that in previous years, the difference is that the start date of the factory is pushed again and again, while the owner who wants to buy broken bridge aluminum windows is consulting the start date again and again, today, let's take a look at the highlights of 202020.

1. First of all, let's talk about the price issue that everyone is most concerned about. The price in 2020 is almost the same as that in 2019. There is no big difference. There is neither a price increase nor a price reduction. With the increase of labor costs every year, theoretically, there will be a small increase in 2020, but due to the impact of the global epidemic, the domestic price of aluminum ingot is lower (as of March 23, the average price of AOO aluminum in Yangtze River in stock RMB 11210/ton), compared with previous years, the price per ton is lower. However, due to the influence of domestic epidemic, labor shortage and other factors, the market price in March 2020is basically the same as that in previous years.


2. What factors will affect the price? We know that there are dozens of processes to go through from the factory to the installation of a single door and window. Among them, the main factors affecting the price of the door and window are: aluminum, hardware, car window shade, glass, adhesive strip, heat insulation strip, etc.

① aluminum material: that is, broken bridge aluminum profile. Different brands and manufacturers in different places have different prices and different quality. Among them, the quality of broken bridge aluminum profile in Guangdong is generally better than that in other places in China, moreover, the popularity is higher than that of other places, so many aluminum factories in other places went to Foshan, Guangdong province to register a brand, and then produced it locally, which sold well in the market under the banner of Foshan aluminum brand.

At present, the broken bridge aluminum profiles on the market range from 16000 yuan to 29000 yuan per ton. Depending on the brand and quality, the prices of aluminum materials vary greatly, which leads to various prices in the market, the expensive one costs thousands of yuan per square meter and the cheap one costs 200 or 300 yuan per square meter. At the same time, doors and windows are customized products, not standardized products, so it is difficult to compare them. Consumers can only identify brand aluminum, hardware, you can only go to the three stores with the same configuration such as car window shade. Don't compare the prices with products with different brands and configurations. Many owners often call to consult the doors and windows and ask how much is 70 as soon as they open the door? Don't ask the brand, hardware configuration, glass, car window shade, etc. How can the manufacturer quote you.


② hardware: We have said in many articles before that broken bridge aluminum hardware is the heart and soul of the whole door and window. Without good hardware, no matter how good the aluminum is, it is useless. Therefore, it is very important to buy broken bridge aluminum hardware, for home decoration doors and windows, we recommend that you choose German brand hardware or domestic well-known hardware. Do not choose Miscellaneous brand hardware standard by the manufacturer or free hardware at a low price, so as to avoid later maintenance. The merchant makes excuses that the hardware is given as a gift, problems such as not within the scope of the warranty, all configuration warranty must be written in the contract, not verbal warranty.

③ car window shade and glass: it is recommended to choose removable and washable Diamond Net car window shade for personal home decoration doors and windows. This car window shade has the functions of anti-mosquito and anti-theft, convenient cleaning, etc. Basically, there will be no problem in the later period of changing car window shade at a time, save some troubles in life and focus on glass. After all, 70 percent of the area of a single door and window is glass, and the thermal insulation and sound insulation of windows all depend on the quality of glass, the editor suggested to choose Low-E tempered insulation glass. This kind of glass is energy-saving and environment-friendly, with good heat insulation and heat preservation effect. The disadvantage is that it is a little expensive. However, from the perspective of long eyes, it is the most ideal to choose Low-E glass, which saves energy and reduces consumption, green emission reduction; If you think this kind of glass is expensive, you must at least have standard tempered glass, which has a high safety factor, which is less than the average glass flower.

④ adhesive strip and heat insulation strip: the sealing strip of the window directly affects the sealing effect of the Broken Bridge aluminum window. It is recommended to choose environmentally friendly TPE or TPV adhesive strip, or high quality EPDM EPDM strip, but from the perspective of environmental protection, the editor also suggests that consumers choose TPE or TPV tape, which can be recycled and has no pollution to the environment. As for the heat insulation strip, of course, the PA66 nylon strip configured by the national standard is also a black PVC heat insulation strip. On the surface, it is not that the industry can't distinguish PA66 from PVC heat insulation strip at all, but the price difference between the two is very large. The market price of PVC insulation strip is 5000-6000 yuan per ton, while PA66 nylon strip is more than 12000 yuan per ton and even 50 thousands or 60 thousands yuan per ton. Why can't we choose cheap PVC insulation strip? PVC insulation strip linear expansion coeffcient does not match with aluminum, with poor aging resistance. Tensile strength and aging resistance are directly related to the safety of insulated aluminum doors and windows curtain wall. PVC aging resistance is the worst in the plastic family and is toxic.


To sum up, if you want to buy a good one, the price will not be lower than 700 yuan per square meter (including car window shade of hardware). From the sales data of easy window network to the year, the price per square meter after choosing brand broken bridge aluminum plus imported hardware, Diamond Net car window shade, tempered glass and so on is between 800-1100 yuan, which is a high price, and the price is definitely cheaper than that of big shopping malls, they are not inferior in quality.

For the price in 2020, please refer to the price list of doors and windows in 2019,