Is Broken Bridge Aluminum 60 Good Or 70 Series Good?

Is Broken Bridge aluminum 60 good or 70 series Good? This is a topic that many consumers will consult. The Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series is more expensive than the 60 series. Of course, the 70 series is better. Is it not expensive, which one uses more broken bridge aluminum 60 series or 70 series? It is not difficult from our statistics over the years

Is Broken Bridge aluminum 60 good or 70 series Good? This is a topic that many consumers will consult. The Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series is more expensive than the 60 series. Of course, the 70 series is better. Is it not expensive, which one uses more broken bridge aluminum 60 series or 70 series?

From our statistics over the years, it is not difficult to find that the broken bridge aluminum 70 series is more and more popular in family purchase, accounting for more than 80%, we know that the price per square meter of broken bridge aluminum 70 series is more than 100 yuan compared with that of 60 series. Assuming that the family window is 20 square meters, the total price is 2,000 yuan more than that of 60 series, the cost of hardware and car window shade is unchanged, but the price of aluminum is higher, so more consumers are willing to choose broken bridge aluminum 70 series doors and windows.

Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series is better than 60 series, mainly manifested in that the aluminum cross section is wider and thicker than 60 series, and the glass is wider than 60 series, so on the sound insulation and heat insulation seal, the Broken Bridge aluminum 70 series is better than the broken bridge aluminum 60 series. The suggestion of the editor is that if your home is being decorated or you plan to replace the old window, the editor still uses the recommend 70 series on broken bridge aluminum, the summary is not much higher than the 60 series, but the profile is wider and thicker than the 60 Series material.

It is better to choose big domestic brands. Don't choose some so-called "German brands" Broken Bridge aluminum. These so-called German brands are all fake foreign devils, and some still use garbage broken bridge aluminum materials, the price is the same as that of the brand broken bridge aluminum, which can be said to be a huge profit!