Domestic Good Aluminum Clad Wood Doors and Windows Brand, Aluminum Clad Wood Price Per Square Meter

Aluminum clad wood doors and windows is a synonym for expensive doors and windows products in China. When it comes to aluminum clad wood doors and windows, everyone's reaction in the sea is that it is expensive, and it is really expensive. So what are the good aluminum clad wood doors and windows brands in China? Their prices are beige colored wool per square meter respectively. Today, let's take a look at the domestic good and expensive aluminum clad wood.

Aluminum clad wood doors and windows is a synonym for expensive doors and windows products in China. When it comes to aluminum clad wood doors and windows, everyone's reaction in the sea is that it is expensive, and it is really expensive. So what are the good aluminum clad wood doors and windows brands in China? Their prices are beige colored wool per square meter respectively. Today, let's take a look at the domestic good and expensive aluminum clad wood doors and windows.

At present, domestic there are mainly the following: senying, Huaxing, Mo SE, meichi, Milan window, liangmu Road, Ruiming and wangmei; Among them, senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows is more expensive, followed by Huaxing and Mo se, what's more, there are merch, Milan window, etc.


So how much is the aluminum clad wood doors and windows price of these brands per square meter beige colored wool? Take Mori Eagle aluminum clad wood doors and windows as an example, the cheap price is 2,000 yuan per square meter, the high price per square meter is as high as 14999 yuan per square meter, while Huaxing aluminum clad wood and Mo se aluminum clad wood doors and windows are basically below 3000-5000 yuan per square meter, but there are also expensive ones, and the price of aluminum clad wood doors and windows for different models and functions is different.

Huaxing HA88D aluminum clad wood in-swinging casement window, market price: 3980 yuan/square meter

huaxing passive aluminum clad wood doors and windows, market price: 6280 yuan/square meter

huaxing in Chinese antique style doors and windows, market price: 9280 yuan/square meter


mo se doors and windows IV78 aluminum clad wood doors and windows, market price: 5388 yuan/square meter

mo se IV68 aluminum-clad wood double glass window series, market price: 3388 yuan/square meter

mo se IV68 aluminum-clad wood three glass window series, market price: 4088 yuan/square meter

mo se IV96 aluminum clad wood shielding window, market price: 4388 yuan/square meter

mo se Passive130 aluminum-clad passive window, market price: 11299 yuan/square meter


senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows S86 series, market price: 3899 yuan/square meter

senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows A86 series, market price: 4299 yuan/square meter

mori Eagle aluminum clad wood doors and windows C95 new Chinese style, market price: 8899 yuan/square meter

senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows P120 series, market price: 6899 yuan/square meter

senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows S105 series, market price: 5899 yuan/square meter

senying aluminum clad wood doors and windows F110 series, market price: 5899 yuan/square meter

senying aluminum-clad wood TS118 bullet-proof explosion-proof window, market price: 14999 yuan/square meter

the above is the online sales price of Huaxing aluminum clad wood, Mo se aluminum clad wood, which really corresponds to that sentence. There is no most expensive, only more expensive. The price of big brands is aluminum clad wood doors and windows expensive, but there are still consumers buying, good things are expensive, but they are also really good. If you buy some unknown aluminum clad wood doors and windows, the price is between 900-2000 yuan per square meter, which does not contain hardware and glass configuration.