Broken Bridge Aluminum Hinge Knowledge of Accessories

Broken Bridge aluminum casement window will definitely use hinge, broken bridge aluminum hinge is different from ordinary door hinge, and it is also different from plastic steel doors and windows hinge, we can see from the picture later, today, I am talking about the hinge of broken bridge aluminum accessories. Hinge, for many people still know, but hinge, estimate

Broken Bridge aluminum casement window will definitely use hinge, broken bridge aluminum hinge is different from ordinary door hinge, and it is also different from plastic steel doors and windows hinge, we can see from the picture later, today, I am talking about the hinge of broken bridge aluminum accessories.

Hinge is still known to many people, but it is estimated that many people have not seen the hinge. This one is used less, but it is also used, hinge usually refers to the device that rotates when the Casement is opened or closed. It belongs to the system with rotating shaft, while hinge usually refers to the four-link link that moves and rotates when the Casement is opened or closed, sometimes it can also be a six-link or other structural system composed of bar, whose stress characteristic is to bear the main vertical load (such as gravity) and horizontal load (such as wind force) during the opening process and the opening State of Casement. The hinge is mainly shear in casement window and axial force in the upper suspension window. This is the essential difference between the two hinge types, so it must not be mixed. In addition, the opening angle of casement window is generally required to be larger, so the hinge translation stroke is required to be longer, so the window width is generally 1/2~2/3, the upper hanging window is generally about 1/2.

Let's take a comparison picture of broken bridge aluminum hinge and plastic steel hinge:

塑钢合页 this is a flat panel hinge used on vertical hinged door, and another one is 7-shaped hinge. Currently, 7-shaped hinge is widely used, because if this hinge is used at a low floor, others can remove the screws from the outside so that they can open the window or door.

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This is hinge. There are many hinge styles of this broken bridge aluminum hinge, which is only one of them. This hinge is different from that of plastic steel doors and windows. Next, let's take a look at the hinge.

The hinge can be used on the valgus window or on the open casement window. If the floor is below 7 floors for the outer casement window, you can consider using this hinge, however, the cost of broken bridge aluminum will increase. However, the advantage of using this hinge is that when opening the window, the glass inside and outside can be reached by hands, which can be window cleaning. Moreover, after applying this hinge, the window is more solid and firm. First look at the picture of this hinge:


next, let's look at a broken bridge aluminum case column made by easy window network, which uses this hinge;


this is when the easy window net was installed in the Xili community of double garden last year, the owner purchased broken bridge aluminum windows with hinges, which were opened 90 degrees, and the glass inside and outside could be wiped, both hinge and hinge are important accessories to ensure the switch. Consumers can choose according to their own preferences. Today's hinge hinge knowledge of broken bridge aluminum accessories is mentioned here, let's talk about broken bridge aluminum other accessories tomorrow.