How Much Is the Full Package Price of 60 Broken Bridge Aluminum? More than This Price Is Bad

At present, the mainstream models in the market are mainly divided into 60 and 70 series. If you buy broken bridge aluminum, you must buy brands. It is better not to choose Miscellaneous Brands, then how much is the full package price of the brand broken bridge aluminum 60 series on the market? Today, I will analyze the full package price of 60 Broken Bridge aluminum in the market. If the price exceeds this price, I will buy a loss.

At present, the mainstream models in the market are mainly divided into 60 and 70 series. If you buy broken bridge aluminum, you must buy brands. It is better not to choose Miscellaneous Brands, then how much is the full-package price of the brand broken bridge aluminum 60 series on the market? Today, we will analyze the full-package price of 60 Broken Bridge aluminum in the market. If the price exceeds this price, we will lose money.

1. General brand 60, open 3 live fans according to 10 square meters, use imported brand hardware, Diamond Net car window shade, then the full package price will not exceed 700 yuan per square meter, if the price is too low, then the materials and hardware have to be seen clearly. What are the main brands of 60 Broken Bridge aluminum? It mainly includes Jinpeng, Huajian, Weiye, Weichang, Shide, conch, Nanshan and so on.

2.60 famous brands, open 3 live fans according to 10 square meters, using imported brand hardware, Diamond Net car window shade, the full package price will not exceed 750 yuan per square meter, if the price is too low, the hardware brand, car window shade, you have to carefully see clearly. The Broken Bridge aluminum famous big brands mainly include fengaluminum, Central Asia, strong beauty and prosperity.

3. What are the miscellaneous brands? Many of them are self-created brands created by enterprises that have never heard of, and some fake German brands. The full package price of this kind of broken bridge aluminum 60 series is about 560 yuan per square meter, it is also imported brand hardware and Diamond Net car window shade configuration. If some merchants advertise the full package price of their brand's broken bridge aluminum 60 series at 560 yuan/square meter, but use the so-called original hardware or invisible car window shade configuration, then consumers will suffer losses.


What should we pay attention to when choosing the full package price?

Usually, many consumers often ask merchants to quote the full price for the convenience of comparing the prices of doors and windows. However, we know that doors and windows are customized products. The number of windows in the same square meter varies, different hardware car window shade configurations will affect the total price of doors and windows, so why do some merchants dare to play the banner of low price and full price? Xiao Bian saw on the Internet that some merchants all-inclusive price of 60 series is 380-480 yuan per square meter, and claimed that there was no trap. Xiao Bian wondered how to make the brand 60 series doors and windows at this price, where is the only trap? Then calculate the number of square meters. For example, if your original 12-square-meter window is priced at 380 yuan as advertised by the merchant, the total price should be 4560 yuan, but your final total price is definitely not this number, at least it will be 2000-3000 yuan higher, then how will the merchant operate? That is, if the window is less than 1.5 square meters, it is calculated by 1.5 square meters. The merchant will tell you that if the window is less than 3 square meters, it will not exceed 3 square meters, originally 12 square meters of windows, the merchant can calculate 18 square meters of windows for you. This is where the cat trap lies.