Installed Soundproof Window Regret Not Choosing Hollow Laminated Glass

At present, soundproof window of the materials on the market mainly include plastic steel doors and windows and broken bridge aluminum windows, among which there are many kinds of sound insulation glass. Many consumers think that double glazing unit sound insulation is good, so they choose double glazing unit as soundproof window glass, after the installation, I regret choosing the wrong glass, which is aimed at the sound insulation glass with good medium and low frequency noise in the city.

At present, soundproof window of the materials on the market mainly include plastic steel doors and windows and broken bridge aluminum windows, among which there are many kinds of sound insulation glass. Many consumers think that double glazing unit sound insulation is good, so they choose double glazing unit as glass, after installation, I regret choosing the wrong glass. For the sound insulation glass with good medium and low frequency noise in the city, it is not laminated glass. If it is cost-effective, you can choose hollow laminated glass, or even double-layer laminated hollow glass, there is also a choice of hollow three laminated glass.


Why is the sound insulation effect of double glazing unit ordinary?

Because both city noise and car noise belong to medium and low frequency noise, and the hollow glass is air inside, which has certain blocking noise effect, but it is not ideal to choose hollow glass for medium and low frequency noise, hollow glass has a good sound insulation effect for the high-frequency noise of screaming jar, and most of the noise in our life belongs to medium and low-frequency noise, so it is not ideal to choose hollow glass as soundproof window glass.


Why choose hollow laminated glass?

The hollow layer of hollow laminated glass can block high frequency noise, while laminated glass can well slow down medium and low frequency noise, so hollow laminated glass can well block and slow down high school low frequency noise. Compared with laminated glass, laminated glass has better sound insulation (this is because laminated glass has a layer of PVB or SGP film). Why can't air layer sound insulation be added? This is because the noise of general audio will resonate when passing through the air layer, resulting in greatly reduced sound insulation.


Conditional users can choose double rubber-laminated hollow glass, that is, four-layer glass with two or two laminated glue. This kind of soundproof glass blocks noise very well, but the cost is also relatively expensive, for those places where the requirements are not extremely strict, we generally do not recommend using this kind of glass. For home decoration doors and windows, we can choose hollow laminated glass, and at the same time, we can also choose one of the glass to be 60%, do not use all the glass of the same thickness, for example: 5 0.76PVB 5 20A 6, the sound insulation effect is better than that of all 5 0.76PVB 5 20A 5.

Fengaluminum 70 series Broken Bridge aluminum window soundproof window, Heping Street, North Third Ring Road: