The Owner Found an outside Manufacturer to Seal the Balcony but Was Made Difficult by the Property.

Winter is coming and the weather is getting colder. More and more owners will seal their balconies. However, it is not so easy for some community owners to seal balconies. They are always made difficult by property. Why is this so? Generally, this phenomenon occurs in a new community or a community where many balconies are not sealed, and some balcony-sealing merchants will follow things.

Winter is coming and the weather is getting colder. More and more owners will seal up their balconies. However, some community owners think it is not so easy and are always made difficult by the property. Why is this so? Generally, this phenomenon occurs in a new community or a community where many balconies are not sealed. Some merchants will have a good relationship with the property, so that the closed balcony of the whole community can be done by them, and the closed balcony manufacturers outside are not allowed to enter, so as to form a monopoly on the price of closed balcony, generally designated closed balcony merchants will give property rebates or rebates, so the property will always make it difficult for those businesses to find owners of closed balcony manufacturers outside.

On November 25, Mr. Wang, a resident of the World City community in Weicheng district, reported to this newspaper that the balconies of their community were all open-air, and the developers had promised to seal them up. So far, no action has been taken. Now the weather is getting colder, owners want to pay their own money to seal the balcony, but property regulations can only find designated stores, otherwise they have to pay a deposit of 10000 yuan, and owners are dissatisfied. On the same day, the property of the community denied the designated store to the reporter, claiming that the owner was not allowed to close the balcony at all. The developer promised to seal the balcony, but the action was delayed. On the 25th, Mr. Wang told reporters that the balconies in their neighborhood were all open-air, and there was only one sliding door between the balcony and the living room. Now the weather is getting colder and colder, even if the sliding door were closed, still leaking cold air into the room, the owners all hope to seal the balcony. The developer agreed with the owners in the purchase contract that the balcony would be sealed when the house was handed over. However, it has been almost a year since the house was handed over and still no work has started. The reporter checked Mr. Wang's purchase contract and found that the attachment clearly stated that the balcony would be sealed for the owner. "It was said to seal the balcony for us before June 30 this year, but there was no letter after dragging." Mr. Wang said, "after all, we live in high-rise buildings, and there are only railings on the balcony. We are really not at ease. If children accidentally turn over when playing on the balcony, the consequences will be unimaginable." "We really can't wait, so we plan to seal the balcony with our own money." Mr. Wang said, unexpectedly, the property said that the balcony must be closed to their designated stores. If you do not find a designated store, the property will receive a deposit of 10,000 yuan" Mr. Wang said that there is a door-end room at the gate of their community, and the business of closing the balcony is the store designated by the property. "We find someone else, and the property does not allow materials to be pulled into the community." Mr. Wang said that some owners sealed the balcony in advance, but the property had to charge a deposit of 10000 yuan. Now the owners do not need to seal the balcony of the store designated by the property, and they also need to pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan. On the same day, the reporter came to the community and saw a doorhead room on the east side of the gate of the community. A billboard was placed at the gate with three characters "closed balcony" written on it. The reporter walked into the community and saw that there was a prompt posted by the property on the bulletin board, which said, "there are more and more owners of closed balconies in the community. The random placement of air conditioners outdoor condenser affects the image of the community, it is recommended that the owner consult the engineering department when the mobile air conditioner is outdoor condenser". The reporter turned around the community and found that many owners had sealed the balcony, removed the original guardrail and installed glass windows. Ms. Li, the owner of Building 5, said that the asking price of the store designated by the property was much higher than that of other stores. "This is what my husband does. Can our family only find the store designated by the property to seal the balcony? Too unreasonable!" Ms. Li said angrily.

This is a typical behavior of forced buying and selling, imposing interference by using the identity of one's own property. Owners can use legal weapons to safeguard their rights and interests.