Why Use Tempered Glass for Broken Bridge Aluminum Windows?

Broken Bridge aluminum windows believe that many people are no stranger, but many consumers only care about the price when purchasing, ignoring many configuration things, especially glass selection, many consumers think that Windows choose big brands of aluminum, and it is no problem to use imported hardware for hardware, but in glass selection

Broken Bridge aluminum windows believe that many people are no stranger, but many consumers only care about the price when purchasing, ignoring many configuration things, especially glass selection, many consumers think that Windows choose big brands of aluminum, and it is no problem to use imported hardware for hardware. However, they often think that glass selection is meaningless. They think that Glass has no advantages and disadvantages and is transparent, in fact, the selection of glass largely determines whether your windows are insulated, soundproof and insulated.

1. Why use tempered glass for broken bridge aluminum windows?

We know that the standard window glass of merchants is generally ordinary hollow glass. Many people think that this kind of glass is enough and there is no need to upgrade it to tempered glass. Many Northern consumers use plastic steel doors and windows in their homes, moreover, ordinary glass is mostly used, and consumers have never seen their own glass Crack. They think that ordinary glass is OK, so why do Broken Bridge aluminum windows have to be upgraded with tempered glass?

Because in the past, the windows were plastic steel windows, the materials were plastic, and there were buffer strips between the frame and the glass. Whether the windows were hot expansion and contraction or glass, there were few self-cracking phenomena, while the broken bridge aluminum windows were different, the material is metal aluminum alloy material. The glass is in direct hard contact with the metal, and the elastic tensile force of the glass glue will lead to the self-cracking phenomenon of the glass without external force, although not every piece of glass will be like this, the probability of self-cracking phenomenon of broken bridge aluminum glass is far greater than that of tempered glass.


In terms of cost performance, consumers are also advised to choose tempered glass. Take Beijing as an example. Now, the door and window installation master earns 400 or 500 yuan a day, while Beijing is in traffic jam. Generally, two households run to replace the glass in one day, if you replace a piece of self-cracked glass, plus labor, materials, and freight, the small glass does not cost 400 or 500 yuan, and the merchant will not replace it. If you upgrade the tempered glass in the selected window, the 10-square-meter tempered glass window only costs 600 yuan more than ordinary glass. If you replace the 10-square-meter glass, it is not the price, so we recommend that you choose tempered glass for long-term consideration, in the south, the closed balcony windows are basically tempered glass, and there are few ordinary glass.

From the perspective of safety, tempered glass has higher strength and better safety than ordinary glass, especially the windows in the home are floor-to-ceiling windows. If the glass is large glass, you must choose tempered glass, besides, there are children and old people at home, which are also especially suitable for choosing tempered glass. After the tempered glass bursts, it becomes small particles and does not hurt people.


2. What is the relationship between broken bridge aluminum window glass and sound insulation?

We know that a single door and window, 30% of the area of the material frame, and 70% of the area is glass area, therefore, a large part of the factors of window heat insulation, sound insulation and heat preservation are determined by glass. For regular Broken Bridge aluminum windows, tempered glass should be selected first. Secondly, conditional owners can choose double glazing unit plus Low-e function, and even three-layer hollow glass tape Low-E. This glass configuration can greatly improve the sound insulation and heat insulation effect of windows, the price is more expensive than ordinary transparent glass, but in the long run, it is still worth the money.


According to data, Low-E glass can save 60%-70% of energy a year compared with ordinary glass. In the same west-facing house, if you use ordinary glass, you can use 135 degrees of electricity a year, while if you use Low-E energy-saving glass, you only need 54 degrees of electricity a year, use 81 less electricity every year. Since energy saving glass can save so much electricity, why is it not popular in residential buildings? Because Low-E glass is more expensive than ordinary glass, most of the time, our consumers only look at the discount in front of us, and will not count the account that can bring benefits after use.