Three-Dimensional Home Will Play a Big Trick Again. The "Magic Pen" in the Short Video Era Is Coming!

Three-dimensional home will play a big trick again. The "magic pen" in the short video era is coming!

With the official arrival of 5G era, short video has entered an outbreak period. According to the 47th China Internet Development status Statistics report released by CNNIC, as of December 2020, the number of short video users reached 0.873 billion. According to the survey, short video is ranked as National Mobile Phone Entertainment, which is a veritable tool for "Killing Time.

With such a huge flow sea, short videos have become a powerful marketing method for enterprises, and it is not too much to describe them as "those who get short videos win the World.


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

especially for the home industry that pays attention to experience, the scene-based experience brought by short videos, which combines multiple video listening and video listening, is more realistic and impact than thin language and graphics, and can also realize, the online marketing mode has opened the prelude to a new era of home furnishing industry marketing.

As a figure of home design software, 3D home saw the struggle of the home industry after profit-making period, and saw the opportunities in the short video era, at the beginning of this year, a functional product of making home improvement video scheme-"Magic Pen" film and television animation was launched. It integrates 3D cloud design software of 3D home and real-time chasing and rendering device, and shows the whole process of home decoration from blank to decoration in the form of animation video.

In June, in order to better empower home furnishing enterprise video marketing, 3D home cloud the Magic Pen film and television animation production software, and launched the "magic pen" Cloud version to help home furnishing enterprises embrace the new trend and tap marketing.

三维家再放大招,短视频时代“神来之笔”来了!_2 Easy mass production of video-level videos, aiming at Home Marketing

currently, most of the online and offline marketing methods in the home industry still stay on the introduction of pictures and texts and languages. However, home products are different from ordinary products and pay great attention to scene experience. It is difficult to impress consumers only by the previous "cold" sales model. With limited offline channels and ineffective traditional marketing methods, short videos can vividly present home scenes and become a powerful means to improve user experience.

It is worth noting that the explosive growth of short video content also makes users have higher and higher requirements for videos-videos must catch users' eyes within 3 seconds, otherwise they will switch immediately. Therefore, how to quickly create a real life space scene, convey the unique charm of products and brands, and firmly attract the audience's nerves is particularly important. The big feature of the three-dimensional home "Magic Pen" Cloud Edition is the sense of reality.

Different from ordinary video production, the "magic pen" cloud pen version can deconstruct the space, switch the Cabinet body, open and close the doors and windows, decorate and place... even the small details of the design such as time flow, can be vividly displayed one by one, showing the design sense, practicability, designer's life attitude and space temperature of furniture. Use the camera to tell stories so that the audience can be as immersive as possible and preview the final effect of the home scene in advance.

Especially at the store sales end, short videos of real home design can more intuitively allow consumers to preview future homes, accelerate purchase decisions and improve conversion rates. The powerful rendering computing power of the "magic pen" version of Yunqi. It takes only 19 minutes to render a 15-second 2K video. The final effect can be previewed during rendering, and the design effect can be displayed on one side, improve the customer retention and sales capacity of the store terminal.

In the era of time fragmentation, short videos are linked to a large number of users, representing a huge space for performance growth. Therefore, "video marketing" will be a strategic event that every home furnishing enterprise must lay out. However, the appearance of the "magic pen" version of the 3D home provides a good tool to cut into this track.

Enter the game with low threshold and embrace the vast new world

perhaps many enterprises have already smelled the rise of short videos, but due to the reality, they can only wait and see again and again. After all, making high-quality videos is no less than movieclip. First, there are certain requirements for computer configuration. Secondly, the editing staff should have sufficient experience and hire a professional team when necessary, which means a high cost.

The birth of the "magic pen" version has lowered the threshold for home furnishing enterprises to enter the short video field. Only a laptop with general configuration can be connected to the network to produce a high fidelity 2k home design film. When shopping guides and designers go out to negotiate, they can create in cafes and on business trips anytime and anywhere, so that every inspiration can be quickly cashed.

Not only that, the "magic pen" Alibaba Cloud edition also has free model Upload, Lens animation template, and more popular dynamic effects are constantly updated, and various interactions aimed at the customization industry, template-based operation can be adopted, and creators can easily complete the production of various effects.

With the emergence of the "magic pen" version, high-quality short videos sink into the service market, and home consumers can feel the vitality of design more clearly. When the home improvement video is simple to produce and mass production, it becomes the talking blade of enterprises, designers and sales. When the demographic dividend subsides, online channels gradually become weak, and the home industry falls into confusion, the "magic pen" cloud pen edition has another way to provide enterprises with transformation assistance and help enterprises open up a broader market space.

Marketing value-added empowerment, uncovering the secret of doubling performance

according to relevant sources, the average daily activity of TikTok owners in the first quarter of this year was 0.51 billion, and the amount of video content related to home building materials in 2020 exceeded 27 billion. According to Kuaishou's financial report, the average daily activity of Kuaishou's main station last year was 0.265 billion. Especially for the post-80s and post-90s young groups, they are more accustomed to finding home building materials information through online channels. Short video platform has gradually become the main position for long-term operation of home furnishing enterprises.

For example, oupai has established its own MCN model before. After its account has been operated on Kuaishou for 10 months, its playback volume has exceeded 0.2 billion and it has multiple playback works. A large number of fans accumulated, allowing oupai to watch 146000 people in a 4-hour live broadcast in May and 30000 cabinets nationwide blanket order.

Similarly, customization enterprises such as haolaike and wayes customization have layouts on short video platforms such as TikTok, and the content caters to young people with labels such as fashion, cool, and fashion, let the brand accumulate a large number of fans with high fit, laying the sound volume foundation for all kinds of marketing.

However, in order to do better in video marketing, home furnishing enterprises need not only high-quality video creation capabilities, but also long-term layout and deep cultivation on multiple platforms. It is difficult to obtain the recognition of the platform and users by focusing only on a single platform or putting works in pieces.

The "Magic Pen" version breaks the limitations of traditional video software and provides the marketing value-added function of the short video platform. Previously, 3D home officially cooperated with the massive engine of digital marketing service platform under byte beat, bringing more vertical, intelligent and efficient Internet advertising marketing solutions to pan-Home Enterprises. The Magic Pen cloud editing edition can seamlessly link to the cloud editing platform and apply a variety of popular video templates. After AI intelligent assisted editing, it can be distributed to major video platforms with one click, realize "one creation and multi-platform distribution" to make daily operation of multi-platform easier. At the same time, visual data analysis is generated to guide the direction of video creation and gradually build its own 100 million-level Fan traffic pool.

The emergence of the "magic pen" version of the 3D home is a product of the digital age and a re-evolution model in which the industry falls into a period of stagnation. It helps small and medium-sized enterprises enter the short video marketing with a very low threshold, promotes industrial innovation starting from design and marketing, connects the traditional household industry with the information age, and promotes the digital transformation and upgrading of the industry, embrace more possible future.

(Article Source: Building materials network, invasion and deletion)

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