Common Doors and Windows Glass Sound Insulation Secret: Triplex Glass Sound Insulation?

I often hear some merchants tell the owners recommend Triplex glass that the sound insulation effect of Triplex glass is good, but the owners who really installed Triplex glass reflect to us that this kind of glass is not very soundproof, many people mistakenly believe that adding a layer of glass can have a very good sound insulation effect, don't be fooled by the seller, then

I often hear some merchants tell the owners recommend Triplex glass that the sound insulation effect of Triplex glass is good, but the owners who really installed Triplex glass reflect to us that this kind of glass is not very soundproof, many people mistakenly believe that adding a layer of glass can have a very good sound insulation effect. Don't be fooled by merchants. Then which glass has a good sound insulation effect?

First of all, let's take a look at the commonly used door and window glass in the market:

1. Double glazing unit: taking fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum 70 series as an example, the double glazing unit of 5 27A 5 is selected, while fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum 60 series uses 5 18A 5 hollow glass, 27A here represents the interval between two pieces of glass, that is, 27mm;18A represents the interval between 18mm. The larger the glass hollow interval, the better the sound insulation effect. According to the law of mass, the greater the thickness of the interlayer, the greater the sound transmission loss. That is to say, the larger the thickness of the glass, the stronger the sound insulation capacity. Usually, every time the thickness of the glass is doubled, the noise of 6 decibels can be reduced. This is why 70 series windows are slightly better than 60 series windows in sound insulation, but hollow glass is not the most ideal sound insulation glass, usually double glazing unit is suitable for general residential quarters, the traffic flow on the trunk road is not very large, and it is relatively not a particularly noisy environment.


2. Three-layer hollow glass: take fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum 70 series as an example. If it uses three-layer hollow glass, its configuration is 5 9A 5 12A 5 three-layer hollow, the glass hollow interval is 9mm and 12mm respectively. The sound insulation effect of this kind of glass is not much different from that of double glazing unit, but its heat preservation effect is very good. It is especially suitable for residential areas with servere cold region or insufficient heating temperature at home. Almost all the three-layer hollow glass is selected in Northeast China.


Which kind of good soundproof glass is it?

Double rubber-laminated hollow glass> single-layer laminated hollow> laminated glass> insulating glass (and three-layer hollow)> vacuum glass (not ideal soundproof glass)

because in actual use and purchase, you still need to consider factors such as cost performance and heat insulation.

For example, although vacuum glass can theoretically isolate noise, the sound insulation capacity of vacuum glass that can be sold on the market is greatly reduced due to the large number of fulcrum between glass and glass. This makes the vacuum glass of thousands per square meter look very cost-effective.

Although the sound insulation effect of double-layer rubber-laminated hollow glass is good, its cost is also high, and the quality requirements for window materials and hardware are very high, so the editor is not very recommend of this kind of sound insulation glass, the editor is more inclined to recommend single-layer rubber-laminated hollow glass, which is cost-effective and has better sound insulation effect than ordinary double-layer hollow glass and three-layer hollow glass, and thermal insulation and sun protection is also very good.

As shown in the figure, this is a cost-effective soundproof glass, which is widely used in soundproof window.

1. Strength version: 5 1.14PVB 5 12A 5 1.14PVB 5 (good sound insulation effect, high price, very high quality requirements for hardware, not very recommend)

2. Cost-effective version: 5 1.14PVB 5 20A 5 (focus on recommend this kind of glass as broken bridge aluminum windows 70 series standard soundproof glass)

3. Ordinary soundproof version: 6 1.14PVB 6 (applicable to plastic steel windows, not applicable to broken bridge aluminum)