Comparative Analysis of Shide Broken Bridge Aluminum and Shide Plastic Steel Doors and Windows

Shide is a famous brand with plastic steel doors and windows and broken bridge aluminum in China. When it comes to plastic steel doors and windows in the market, everyone is the first to think of Shide plastic steel doors and windows. Now with the birth and development of Shide broken bridge aluminum, I believe that in the near future, people will be the first to think of Shide broken bridge aluminum when they mention it.

Shide is a well-known door and window brand with plastic steel doors and windows in China. When it comes to plastic steel doors and windows in the market, everyone is the first to think of Shide plastic steel doors and windows. Now with the birth and development of Shide broken bridge aluminum, I believe that in the near future, people will be the first to think of Shide when they mention it.

Comparative analysis of Shide plastic steel doors and windows and Shide broken bridge aluminum:

first of all, plastic steel door window and are two different materials, the former is PVC plastic profile, the latter is aluminum alloy insulation broken bridge profile; Shide plastic steel door window profile market price is 10000 yuan/ton, the market price of Shide broken bridge aluminum profile is more than 20000 yuan/ton.

Secondly, the performance characteristics are different; Plastic steel doors and windows are different in terms of material design and function. When it comes to which is better, of course, in terms of sealed insulation, sound insulation and heat insulation, shide broken bridge aluminum is obviously better than Shide plastic steel doors and windows.

Finally, the place of origin is different; At present, most of the plastic steel doors and windows sold in Beijing market come from Tianjin or Dalian base of Shide Group; And Shide currently mainly comes from Tianjin base of Shide Group.

实德断桥铝 As the utilization rate of plastic steel doors and windows decreases year by year, it has brought more development space to Shide. Shide broken bridge aluminum is different from other brands in Material Design. At the same time, Shide has no counterfeit products in the market, which is similar shide broken bridge aluminum profile design is related to anti-counterfeiting spray code. At present, Shide has its own place in the market. I believe Shide will certainly serve more families in the future.