Dedun Anti-Theft Door Introduces the Usage of Anti-Theft Door

About security door maybe many friends think this is not important. Can't it be used as long as the security door is installed at home? In fact, it is not. In this article, let's listen to the introduction of anti-theft door experts by German shield!


1. How to open the door correctly?

Outside the house, open the door clockwise outside and open the door counterclockwise inside. In the House, press the movable handle to push out (open the door outside) or pull out (open the door inside). Do not force the angle after the door is opened to exceed the normal opening angle (the normal opening angle is 90-100 degrees).

2. Introduction to Dedun security door how to close the door correctly?

After the door is opened, the user enters the house. Before closing the door, please check whether all the deadbolts have been withdrawn door body. If not, please press the indoor movable handle, the lock bolt is completely withdrawn door body and then the door is closed. Users use the same method to close the door after going out. Do not forcibly close the door when the bolt is exposed! Otherwise, the door lock will be damaged. (Close the door in door small door as well)

3. How to correctly use the safety device is introduced by Dedun security door?

You need to use door safety at night (after insurance, people with keys outside the house cannot open the door, and people inside the house cannot open the door even if they press the handle). Turn the "one" knob to a 45-degree angle. If the insurance is canceled, turn the "one" knob to the horizontal position. If you need to use insurance after going out (the anti-theft time can be increased), please close the door in place and insert the key into the lock cylinder counterclockwise (open the door outside) or clockwise (open the door inside) turn 360 degrees and pull out the key (it can only be used when there is no one in the room).

4. How to use the AB key correctly is introduced by Dedun security door?

If the home is being decorated, please use the key, B key and other keys before unpacking and using. After the decoration, the owner inserts the B key into the outdoor lock cylinder, counterclockwise (open the door) or turn clockwise (inside door) 360 degrees and then turn back to the original position to pull out, then insert the B key into the lock cylinder to open the door lock. At this time, the B key is completely used, and the key is discarded and cannot be used again, users should not discard key A casually, but should discard key A after it is damaged to avoid unnecessary losses.

5. Introduction to Dedun security door how to carry out daily maintenance of the door?

When the key is inserted into the lock cylinder, the user can spray derusting lubricant into the lock cylinder or cut the pencil leads into powder and pour it into the lock cylinder, then insert the key back and forth, pull it out and rotate it several times. If the door hinge makes a "creak" sound, the user can add a proper amount of oil to the hinge rotation axis for lubrication. In addition, the door frame and door leaf should be adjusted. Call on users: Do not drip oil into the lock cylinder, otherwise the lock cylinder will be deadlocked.

6. Introduction of Dedun security door problems that should be paid attention to during decoration

During the decoration period, if the owner needs to cover the protective layer on the door leaf, do not wrap all around the door leaf, but only cover the front and back sides of the door leaf, and the rest parts cannot be wrapped, in order to avoid affecting the normal automatic locking of the multi-directional Bolt. If the key is covered with dirt, please remove it in time. When the door is installed, the height of the floor tile or floor should not be higher than 1.5cm above the bottom of the threshold, and it should be as flat as possible. After the decoration, the garbage within keyhole of the threshold should be cleaned up in time.

I believe everyone knows how to use the anti-theft door introduced by desun anti-theft door. As security door price as well as the knowledge of security door brand manufacturers, you can continue to read relevant articles for details.