Bell Carlo Cast Aluminum Door Wuxi Store Xue Feng: A Store Has More than 1000 Million Achievements a Year. What Did He Do Right?


As a high-end entry door product, cast aluminum door has become the current fashion trend. Whether it is the active choice of consumers or the strategic adjustment of major manufacturers, it is developing towards cast aluminum door products.

In this issue, the editor will take you into the largest cast aluminum door exclusive store in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, and visit a high-end entry door famous brand with imported Italian materials and Italian technology-belcarlo cast aluminum door exclusive store, learn about Xue Feng's almost legendary store trip.


Location: Bell Carlo door industry, third floor, building materials Hall, Wuzhou International Holdings Sheng'an West Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu province

Traffic: convenient transportation, bus and self-driving can reach freely. The surrounding roads are in good condition and there are large parking lots, so there is no need to worry about road congestion and parking problems.

Main products: belcarlo cast aluminum door

Annual sales volume: more than 10 million


Keen · take advantage of the trend to believe in the future

Xue Feng, with a bit of literary anger and a bit of heroism. The wedding work has been done for more than ten years, just because of a chat with friends, I am excited about the product cast aluminum door.

A bold idea has sprouted in his heart......

It took more than a month to run the market. At that time, there were not many stores selling cast aluminum door on the market, and there were not many domestic cast aluminum door manufacturers.

When he really made up his mind to shut down the wedding company and open the store, he went to Zhejiang Mendu Yongkang and talked with Mr. Lv of belcarlo for several hours. At that time, Mr. Lv of belcarlo returned from Dubai to develop, and now there are distribution points in Dubai. He can bring advanced international ideas to China, and only after fighting in foreign markets, only in this way can the information be fed back to China.

When everyone around thought his decision was too unrealistic, his wife always supported him, which also gave him strength.

The prospect is good for emerging products. At that time, there were not many stores selling cast aluminum door in Wuxi. In fact, Xue Feng is the first franchisee of belcarlo brand in China.

Xue Feng's speech

I think the pattern of an enterprise leader is very important, which determines what he can do in the future. Mr. belcarlo LV's idea of operation is very clear about the future development, which is quite consistent with my idea. Taken together, I think Bell Carlo is the most worthy of cooperation. And it turns out that he did it.


How to use the minimum cost

Raise the brand height in the local market

Xue Feng moved Bell Carlo cast aluminum door to the shooting range. A group of people shot at Bell Carlo cast aluminum door, leaving only shallow holes on the door. This was a sensation in Wuxi, and many people deliberately ran to see the shot door. Xue Feng gave consumers a very intuitive and profound understanding of the bullet-proof and explosion-proof functions of Bell Carlo cast aluminum door through such an action.


Xue Feng's support

If we can't take the initiative and wait for manufacturers to do everything for us, then it will be difficult for us to fight for a road that belongs to our own leadership in the highly competitive market.


Marketing · maximize the drainage of high-end entry door

Xue Feng introduced that after the bullet-proof experiment was carried out through the door, the market effect came out, so he took out part of the funds for exhibition. Such as Wuxi home Expo, Radio and Television Home Expo, Sogou home Expo, Sunshine Home Expo and so on, there will be home Expo in every region every year, and these home Expo can be a good guide for shops. Three fixed exhibitions a year will never be less. Although it costs 40 thousands or 50 thousands each time, it can bring 100 accurate customers. Among tens of thousands of people, some customers are willing to tell you the size of their door opening, indicating that the intention is very high.

In addition, we will also cooperate with some building materials peers in the same city, share resources and bring orders to each other.

If you come, you still need to keep the guests.

Bell Carlo's brand is good. Xue Feng's store is very large. Who has so many sample doors to choose from? Although you can see picture books, the real objects and pictures give people a completely different feeling. Many customers want to take away the sample door when they like it. If the size does not match, they will change the door hole at home instead of waiting.

Xue Feng's support

To participate in the exhibition, you must know how to choose and know which exhibition is more valuable. Money is spent on the blade, and limited funds are spent on the most effective place.


Continuous brand innovation is the guarantee for distributors to succeed.

Belcarlo's technology research and development and product update speed are very fast, and the update speed is much faster than that of peers, so he is very assured of product quality.

As some factories change slowly, they are slowly eliminated by the market. It is normal for some enterprises to change samples once a year, while Bell Carlo basically changed samples three times a year. The company's dealer group, everyone gives advice, the action is very fast, can be improved in a timely manner.

In terms of product research and development, the development is also very fast. For example, hinge improvement imported from Italy, oil paint technology, Courtesy Lamp, etc., are very competitive. Things are better than others, of course they are easy to sell, and the marketing is also better, and the performance will naturally go up.

With the advent of the smart home era, Bell Carlo has now launched AI smart doors. Most smart lock use batteries to store electricity, while Bell Carlo uses fixed power supplies. The biggest advantage is always online.

Related reading: quality and service make the brand Bell Carlo Italian AI intelligent cast aluminum door international Road

Xue Feng's speech

I witnessed that the distributors of belcarlo are from one hundred to several hundred, and the brand influence is expanding. A large number of family members have joined our belcarlo brand. As a witness, watching belcarlo grow. Enterprises are willing to invest in scientific research and quality, and the market will naturally report to enterprises, which is a virtuous cycle.


High-end entry door-door service concept

Invisible competitiveness

Service is not only the corporate culture of belcarlo, but also a part of the work of belcarlo's stores, and it is also a very important part.

Belcarlo's installers are uniform dressing, uniform language and unified construction process.

For all the details of installation and construction, customers think they are professional mogul.

The service is in place, all-round protection, and courtesy lamp is pasted with beauty paper.

After installation, Bell Carlo will respond quickly in 24 hours after handover with other construction. If there is a problem, solve it immediately. If it is not their problem, solve it. Xue Feng said that a customer's door was hit by excavator during the construction of the neighbor's house. They didn't say anything and went to repair it. No matter who the problem was, as long as it was the problem of the door, it would be solved. Not only does the installation process allow customers to experience more professional and high-quality services, but also provides annual regular maintenance for old customers' doors and changes to leather strap.

The service is ready, the customer's transfer introduction is very high, and the service is continued. One customer introduced Xue Feng to three or four. It can be seen that the customer is very satisfied with Bell Carlo's products and services.

Xue Feng's wise words

There is no perfect product in the world, but there is a perfect attitude and spirit.

With Bell Carlo's products, every penny paid contains services.

High quality of high-brand products should match high quality of services.


Customers are always greedy for cheap prices

The market prospect of Wuxi market and Jiangnan region is still good. People's consumption concept has changed in the past two years, and the overall market contains a very high total amount.

Correspondingly, there are more and more cast aluminum door brands in Wuxi. Among Wuxi's small factories, the spoiler is also increasing. This is not very good. Wuxi has a region specializing in the production of doors, low price, low quality and low service. In this cruel environment, there are your customers, and there are those who rob meat with you, which requires us to have unique sales Art and unique humanistic care.

Looking back on 2018, the store performance operated by Xue Feng doubled compared with 2017. In 2018, compared with the whole industry, it is also a trend to go up, and this year is definitely a tuyere.


Future · We serve more people

When talking about the business plan of 2020, Xue Feng smiled, saying that a new bell Carlo store would be opened in the eastern or southern district of Wuxi, so that Wuxi could be integrated with radiation.

Cultivate more loyal fans: visit and maintain old customers and enhance their loyalty to the brand.

Care for a single unit and enhance interaction.

If energy permits, expand the scale of the exhibition, from the existing 3 to 5 or 6.

Xue Feng's wise words

It is not that low prices can occupy the market. Only with these three brands, quality and service can we gain public praise. Therefore, to be a good brand, one must endure loneliness and be willing to invest. At the beginning, there will be spoiler to make you nervous, but you must have the firm belief of a big brand.


-Small editor's notes-

From wedding shops to selling doors, Xue Feng stepped over such a large span.

In 2016, there were still few cast aluminum door in Wuxi. Xue Feng recognized the future development of cast aluminum door.

At that time, there was no franchisee in belcarlo, and Xue Feng recognized belcarlo.

Xue Feng has achieved too many impossibilities. But it was precisely because he saw the market, the brand, and his marketing strategy (taking the door to the shooting range to shoot, spending a lot of money to participate in the exhibition, etc.) that he earnestly practiced the service spirit of Bell Carlo brand, only then can he make his brilliant achievements today.

Through Xue Feng's story, I hope to inspire you.