Centennial Family 2015 Spring Festival Gala Held Ceremoniously

On the evening of January 26, 2015, the Centennial family held a grand Spring Festival Gala, sincerely inviting all Baisheng people and their families to attend the gala. With the joint efforts of all the Centennial families, centennial family 2015 Spring Festival Gala was a complete success. Here, the Centennial family wishes all the staff a great fortune in the year of sheep and the dealers all the best.

President Hu, general manager of Centennial family, took the lead in delivering a speech, wishing all centennial family members good health and financial resources in the new year, summarizing the development of Centennial family in 2014. It is precisely because of the joint persistence and efforts of all Baisheng people that the century-old family can successfully cross the year of economic downturn. At the same time, it has Plus-sized investment in various aspects, including assembly lines and environmental protection equipment in hardware. It has invested millions of yuan in the brand promotion of menbo to continuously improve brand awareness. The "5S" management is fully implemented, and management experts are also hired for guidance. In 2014, the management level and efficiency of the century-old family have been improved unprecedentedly. I hope that in 2015, a brighter tomorrow will be ushered in through the struggle of all the centuries-old families.

President Hu took the lead in delivering a speech

after President Hu's passionate opening words. The dinner officially begins.

President Hu and staff celebrate together

while enjoying the perfect delicacies, the programs rehearsed by the staff made their debut and fell into a sea of joy.

Rack workshop deducts the sketch "I love my home"

huang Chunyou solo on the beach

dance "I believe"

chorus "Really Love You"

song "Meet Your foreigners"

dance Latin dance

game grab stool

sketch "fool goes to school"

yang Jinming sang "The love of a lover"

liu spring set, Yang Junjun recited Baisheng poetry

quan Guiliang sang "mom and dad"

zhu Deyu performed acrobatics

zhang Xiu, Xu Fangying, Liu Guixiang, and Yang Xuelu dance "Little Apple"

this magnificent "Baisheng poetry" expresses the aspiration of all the centuries-old families. A song "mom and dad" sings the thoughts and gratitude to parents. At this gathering party, why is the most popular dance song in 2014-"Little Apple" Missing? The warm dance pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax. Acrobatics "taking a bicycle" made all guests excited.

Present gifts to employees on their birthday in January

mr. Hu presented awards to outstanding employees

mr. Hu presented awards to the excellent team 5s

at the party, President Hu presented certificates and prizes to outstanding employee representatives on behalf of the company; Since the Centennial family implemented the "5s" management method in 2014, there have been major breakthroughs. Cash is also awarded to the 5S management team.

Of course, gifts are indispensable for children. The Centennial family sent toys to all the children on the scene. In this grand party, the most exciting thing is the lottery. The lucky prize, the third prize, the second prize and the first prize were respectively drawn, microwave oven, desktop computer, hair dryer, LCD TV all kinds of gift bags, and the lucky audience came back with full load.

Centennial family sends toys to children

draw lucky Awards

third Prize

second prize

first Prize

president Hu sang "On the Road"

vice President Hu sang "Life in Full Bloom"

the performances of general manager Hu and deputy general manager, "on the road" and "Life in Full Bloom" perfectly reflect the on Ken's time-by-dreamway, sweat, sadness, tears and obstruction can't stop the heart of a century-old family moving forward.

Rotating handkerchief

tong Hua and Hu zhewu sang Baisheng Little Apple

although little Apple is the hottest song this year, the adapted "Baisheng Little Apple" explains the expectations of a century-old family. The humorous performance of "two people turn" once again pushed the atmosphere to the highest point.

Dong Xinjian "it's not a sin for men to cry"

unconsciously, the four-hour party was coming to an end. On this evening party, the Centennial family strengthened the direction of progress when they gathered together, creating the first brand of Roman column gate. To this end, we will raise our glasses to wish the century-old family a brilliant future.