Strange Concept Door

This kicking door is named "", which is opened with feet. Kick the big dot under the door with your feet, trigger the device, and the door opens. It is very suitable for the waiters in the hotel and restaurants, as well as some disabled people, etc. It liberates both hands and makes it easier to open the door.

"Knock Knock Knock" "who" "me", this kind of dialogue generally appears when knocking at the door. The above one may solve this embarrassment. The door itself stores a lot of music. Through different knockers, it will automatically give different knockers an exclusive knocking music, from then on, people in the House can judge who is outside the door by knocking on the door.

The practical nature of this "hole artistic door opening" is relatively high. There is a switch on the right side of the door. If this switch is turned on, part of the baffle on the door will be removed, and sunlight and air will pass in, the door has the function of car window shade.