Smart Door Lock Security Risks Bluetooth Unlocking Is the Hardest Hit Area for Cracking

Door-to-door Network editor's note: With the development of science and technology, the era of smart home is coming. As an important product of smart home smart door lock in recent years, it is expected that the sales volume of smart door locks will exceed 50% by 2020. However, security issues have always been the focus of attention from all walks of life. In this article, we will introduce the potential safety hazards of smart door locks. Bluetooth unlocking is the hardest hit area for cracking.

Original title: smart door lock security risks: smart door lock equals to give family security to strangers

I. It was popularized abroad in smart lock and developed slowly at home.

Most people hear the word smart door lock from "you from XINGX". The play comes from Samsung's smart lock in the delicate makeup and pink love of handsome men and beauties, the deep feeling of technology as a background color makes people feel steady and safe.

In fact, smart door locks have experienced a long period of development abroad, and have been popularized in decoration, forming a convention. Samsung Smart Lock products on smart door locks began to be developed and produced in 1988. Even some data point out that the coverage rate of American households using smart lock exceeds 50%, while that of Japanese and Korean countries is higher, and the coverage rate of households even exceeds 70%.

Smart door locks have a high penetration rate in Japan and South Korea, mostly Samsung

In China, it is regarded as a smart door lock that greatly improves happiness, and in China, it has suffered a disastrous defeat. In terms of sales volume, the data of all smart door locks in the whole year is even lower than that of Xiaomi's mobile phone, and the price is glued, most of the manufacturers are distributed in the price range of 2000 to 4000, while low-end manufacturers hope to get a batch of early-tasting customers at the price of 400-500, but they have little effect.

Price distribution of smart door locks on the market

At present, most domestic smart door locks are still used in hotels and hotels. On the one hand, the use of smart door locks in these commercial scenarios can improve the level, on the other hand, it is also because smart door locks naturally meet the needs of commercial scenarios.

What kind of people are suitable for using smart door locks? Let's analyze it.

Second, what kind of people are suitable for using smart door locks

The selling point of smart door lock can be described as meticulous and considerate

Careless ghosts often forget to bring keys, which can be said to be one of the most important selling points of smart door locks.

Children or pets at home accidentally open the door many times, worrying about the safety of the door lock.

Enthusiasts of smart home hope to get information and pictures of unlocking and closing locks every day.

Families that frequently change nannies and cleaners.

It can be seen from this that in fact, the emergence of intelligent door locks is to solve mechanical lock problems that defy solution, taking 3 and 4 as examples, often forget to bring keys and be opened by children. If it is not considered that mechanical lock can't do it, then 3 and 4 are mechanical lock powerless. The smart door lock is the first defense line of the whole family and bears a lot of safety criticism. Therefore, a camera is installed at the cat's eye to record the appearance and time of the person who opens the lock every time, and identify and analyze the stored information, and automatically determine whether the door is safe according to the idea of artificial intelligence, if it is not safe, the unlocking person can be required to provide more passwords and information, which should be the most ideal smart door lock.

An important part of smart home

Especially mentioned Article 4, many families now have monthly wives, nannies and hourly workers and aunts. There is no way to distinguish and define the relationship between these strangers and family door locks mechanical lock, the emergence of smart door locks has also greatly solved this problem. For frequently replaced nannies and cleaners, they can be assigned a short password according to the time period each time. After expiration, the short password will automatically expire, this greatly facilitates many families. In fact, this kind of use scenario naturally fits the situation of hotels and hotels, so the popularity rate of smart door locks in hotels and hotels in China is very high.

III. Security analysis and hidden worries of smart door locks

When enjoying the convenience brought by smart door locks, we have another question to consider. Smart door locks are really smart, but are they safe?

To discuss whether the smart door lock is safe, we need to consider it from two parts. The first is the basis of the smart door lock-the level of the included mechanical door lock, and the second is the unlocking method of the smart door lock.

Mechanical door locks have been developed to the third generation, which are divided into Class A locks, Class B locks and Class C locks, among which class A locks are the most insecure and Class C locks are the safest, rumor has it that it only takes 1 minute for a skilled burglary to open a class a lock and 5 minutes for a class B lock to open. If the family still uses Class A locks or Class B locks, it is necessary to change the locks no matter whether you buy smart lock or not.

Class A and Class B have poor security

Most smart door locks sold on the market now claim to use class C lock cylinders, which means that smart lock basically meets the requirements in the most basic lock cylinder level. In addition to the basic ability of lock cylinder, smart lock also includes a variety of unlocking method. Let's analyze the safety of various unlocking method.

1. Password unlock

Unlocking with a password is more in line with user habits.

Password unlocking is the basic function of smart door locks and is also the method used by many shops and hotels at present, most smart door locks sold on the market now support inserting random numbers before and after passwords to avoid peeping passwords. One of the major defects and vulnerabilities of password unlocking is that the password lock disk is always exposed, foreign media have reported that hackers use special invisible spray to spray on the cipher disk. When the master enters the password lock, scratches and tracks will be caused on the spray on the cipher disk, resulting in password leakage. Password unlocking is a relatively secure way.

2. Fingerprint unlocking

Smart door lock with fingerprint unlock

Fingerprint unlocking is actually the initial understanding of smart door locks by the public. Because many mobile phones currently use fingerprint unlocking, fingerprint can also be said to be the most widely used biometric identification method. Once a technology is popularized, some vulnerabilities will definitely appear. The biggest risk of fingerprint lock is actually fingerprint leakage. As a consumer, if you must buy a smart door lock, you must also buy a smart door lock with the living fingerprint detection function to reduce certain risks.

3. Bluetooth unlock

Bluetooth unlocking here refers to Bluetooth and Bluetooth wristband of mobile phones. Bluetooth unlocking is also an important function supported by smart door locks on the market at present. Many manufacturers support unlocking through bound mobile phones, however, it should be noted that there is not much commendable about the confidentiality of Bluetooth protocol. Domestic media have also reported examples of hackers detecting and unlocking through Bluetooth disguise, so if it is not necessary, bluetooth is not recommended, especially the remote unlocking function provided by mobile APP. Although it is convenient, it is controversial.

Bluetooth unlocking is the hardest hit area for cracking

Smart door locks provide a lot of unlocking method, and sometimes even reach six or seven kinds. However, after analysis, we can find that the methods of unlocking with passwords and swiping cards are the most primitive and safest, there is basically no risk of information leakage or cracking.

IV. Future development trend of smart door locks

In recent years, smart door locks have been facing many problems in China. In terms of stability, many products have poor stability, such as wet hand touch, supercooling environment, iris unlocking is still somewhat unstable. From the perspective of publicity, advertisements from various manufacturers are frequent, but there is no giant in the industry to build consumer trust. Many multi-functional advertisements are available but actually unavailable, in terms of security, the security of smart door locks actually extends from the security of physical lock cylinders to the professional ethics of door lock manufacturers in designing and manufacturing personnel, thus casting a shadow over their own security for no reason, this is also a convenience. From these aspects, in fact, the users of the first generation of smart door locks are all experimental products, helping the smart door locks to improve and improve.

Through the above introduction, we have learned that smart door locks still have great advantages over traditional mechanical door locks, making it more convenient for us to go home, and for some scenarios, it is not only convenient but also safer. For example, if you hire a nanny or an hourly worker at home, it is safer to use a smart door lock. However, at present, some technical problems still need to be solved and improved. For example, Bluetooth unlocking is the hardest hit area for cracking, in 2018, the General Administration of market supervision also suggested not to use or turn off the face recognition function and the remote unlocking function as far as possible regarding the quality and safety consumption warning of smart door locks.