Furniture Industry Salons Gather Together to Explore the New Development of Wenzhou Furniture Industry.

Furniture Industry salons gather together to explore the new development of Wenzhou furniture industry.

This is an era full of changes. Changes are everywhere. Only changes are eternal.

On the afternoon of June 18, Wenzhou Furniture Chamber of Commerce, together with Wenzhou Fashion smart design center and the World Wenzhou people's home management center, jointly held a salon activity in Wenzhou furniture industry, specially invited senior high school teachers, with the theme of "Change is in the air", I shared it with more than 80 guests including representatives of Wenzhou Furniture entrepreneurs and fashion designers at the scene, jointly discuss the new changes and future development of Wenzhou furniture industry.


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

speaker: Senior one

senior designer and curator

founder and brand partner of daily use

professional design committee of China Interior Decoration Association

member of design committee of China Furniture Association

deputy director of China furnishings committee

phD in Tsinghua University

from the perspective of experience economy, knowledge economy and the transitional economy era of intelligent digital era in the future, senior one senior high school teachers will make Ford (large-scale manufacturing, standardization and industrial division of labor), toyota system (eliminating waste, reducing costs, punctuality and Automation), winter system (system construction, platform module, system innovation) the content of the reform of production mode and so on should be flexibly and skillfully combined with the development and changes of furniture industry. Take "car" as an example to illustrate, it maps out the consumption reform of furniture industry from the production leading ERA to the consumption leading era, the channel reform from single channel to diversified channel and the business model reform from traditional regular to innovation breakthrough.

Gao Yiqiang explained: in the era of mass production, namely Ford doctrine, enterprises pay attention to the large-scale and standardized manufacturing of products, the adaptability of people to machines (function, efficiency), manufacturing costs, technology and Mass sales, at this time, "production form follows function"; In the era of postmodernism, namely consumerism and technological wave, more attention is paid to the system and modularization of product manufacturing, the interaction between human and machine, the transformation under the big industry and the relationship between consumer demand and marketing 4p, at this time, "the form of production obeys emotion"; While in the information society, knowledge society and network society, pay more attention to the methodology and problem solving approaches facing complex systems, customization, personalization and differentiation, the symbiotic relationship between people and society, the relationship between design and digital future, and the relationship between design and society and environmental ecology, finally, Data determines the production form ".

For a long time in the past, the furniture industry was in an era dominated by "supply", that is, what enterprises produce, consumers can only buy, almost all market resources are organized around this core. However, now the society has reached the stage of oversupply, and the market has gradually changed from "supply" leading to "consumption leading" era. Consumers believe in "What I like, the new rules of what do you give me? This also promotes the derivation of customized furniture design.

Facing the rapid development era with ubiquitous changes, how can the furniture industry adapt to the new changes in the new era? Senior Yiqiang teacher pointed out, "change and innovation actually come from the internal mechanism of continuous optimization of the human world system. Furniture design should not only solve the relationship between people and things, but also provide full-link solutions around the technologies, networks, platforms, products and services associated with the design ". And put forward the theory of "ten types of innovation" around three aspects of product, configuration and experience.

Combining the examples of sharing bicycles, Gillette shavers and furniture design of "The way of daily use", Gao Yiqiang applied Internet thinking to analyze the profit model, network, structure, the process, product performance, product system, service, channel, brand, customer interaction and other aspects are explained in detail.

He emphasized that furniture design should be based on efficiency management, experience transformation, value creation and social innovation--

1. Pay attention to efficiency management, cost management and technology management, and solve the relationship between design and manufacturing, technology and industry;

2. We should also combine customer experience management, user research processes, research methods and tools to solve the problem of how to obtain emotional satisfaction through user experience;

3. We should also study brand, lifestyle and group value, and solve the problem of how to shape user value and realize value derivation through design;

4. Pay more attention to sustainable growth, social innovation and serving the society, and solve the problem of serving social equality and sustainable growth through design and serving the long-term innovation of social ecology.

At the Salon site, senior one senior high school teachers also interacted with enterprise representatives on issues such as the focus of the whole house customization and the development suggestions of the whole house customization in the future. He said that at present, the whole house customization volume in the furniture industry is relatively large, but the Category segmentation is insufficient. Furniture enterprises should pay attention to the adjustment of the internal structure of the whole house customization, such as plus-sized on the details of life, the research of intelligent science and technology reflects the unique charm of designing according to personal taste from a subtle point; Considering factors such as zero experience, single frequency, family decision-making and so on of ordinary consumers' furniture purchase, further reduce costs and improve user experience.

During the activity, in order to conscientiously implement the relevant work requirements of Wenzhou Economic and Information Bureau, Zhou Yi, vice president of fashion intelligence Design Center, presented the 2021 "Mayor Cup" China (Wenzhou) industrial design competition to the on-site entrepreneur representatives, representatives of designers carried out propaganda mobilization, and made an in-depth interpretation of the policy support of the "Mayor Cup" competition, and called on enterprises to actively participate in the competition, taking works as media, fully demonstrate the elegant demeanour of Wenzhou furniture design.

Hu Qinfeng, president of Wenzhou Furniture Chamber of Commerce and chairman of Zhejiang aoshi Furniture Co., Ltd, made a concluding speech to this salon, and thanked senior one for his wonderful sharing, he also invited him to have a specific exchange with representatives of enterprises who intend to further "consult" after the meeting.

Today is an era of rapid development. Changes are everywhere and the furniture industry is always developing rapidly. We must constantly learn and change to adapt to changes, so as not to be abandoned and crushed by this era. This salon activity is of great significance to Wenzhou Furniture Enterprises, bringing a new approach to develop, new models and new paths to the furniture industry, and will help participating enterprises break through the ceiling of thinking, in the fierce market competition, grasp the new outlet of the industry, explore new growth points, and boost the further development of enterprises.

(Article Source: China furniture report-public number, invasion and deletion)