Solid Wood Furniture Has Become a New Growth Point in the Industry

China's solid wood furniture has become a new growth point in the industry

Under the circumstances that the production cost is too high, the market is depressed and the profit of single store is declining, how furniture enterprises break through and seek new vitality is a problem that the current furniture industry is very concerned about. Recently, in order to get rid of the situation of ineffective marketing, some furniture enterprises in Shenyang have set foot in the overall home furnishing of solid wood furniture, adding a warm color to the furniture market in the downturn of sales.

New Blue Ocean market

Shenyang is one of the solid wood furniture industry bases in China. There are many solid wood furniture enterprises. Solid wood furniture products are sold in domestic and foreign markets and are well-known in the industry. In the past period of time, due to insufficient innovation, the phenomenon of product homogenization was serious. In addition, in recent years, the upstream housing market was depressed, the furniture market sales were weak, and the enterprise performance was lower. The implementation of diversified marketing is becoming a positive choice for solid wood furniture enterprises to get out of the downturn and go to the market heights.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

The survey found that the new form of service and marketing, which is popular in the home market in recent years, has entered Shenyang. However, most of the operating enterprises are national chain agencies, and their customized furniture and household products are mostly plate-type and steel-wood structures, with limited production capacity, which cannot meet the demand of villas and high-end residential customers for customized solid wood furniture. Therefore, the solid wood home furnishing market has become a new market blue ocean.

Shenyang mingge Furniture Co., Ltd., which produces solid wood furniture, relies on the advanced equipment, excellent technology, manufacturing ability and brand influence of manufacturing solid wood furniture to meet the needs of customers, for the first time, the product "solid wood furniture overall home furnishing" was launched in the local area, which opened up a road of business development differentiated from traditional furniture products.

It is understood that the overall home furnishing of solid wood furniture can be regarded as an upgraded version of home integration. That is to say, through the whole house design and other services, according to the requirements of customers, we can provide customized furniture, customized wood products decoration components and other main household products, which can not only provide customers with overall services and products, it can also provide customers with one-piece products and individual services required by customers.

If the customer customizes or purchases a certain type of solid wood furniture, the home furnishing service can focus on a certain type of solid wood furniture and carry out solid wood home furnishing for the whole house of the customer: Tailor-made design, custom floor, wooden door, stairs, cabinets, wardrobes, bookcases, closet, shoe cabinets, TV cabinets and other corresponding products make the whole house's home products integrated and unique.

At present, mingge furniture "solid wood overall home furnishing" has been recognized by customers of villas, high-end residences and ordinary dwellings, and orders are continuously placed.

Home improvement manager role

According to Tian tingzhe, general manager of mingge furniture in Shenyang, the overall house decoration of solid wood furniture is generally called "solid wood furniture manager" of the whole house, and the customer's solid wood home products of the whole house, it is independently undertaken by a furniture enterprise and provides one-stop service, which has unique advantages.

First of all, the design and production of the whole House solid wood home can be undertaken, which is different from the home improvement company. Home improvement companies lack manufacturing capabilities. Except for home design, other services are called "take-out" and cannot cook. Solid wood furniture enterprise is the successor of Carpenter's ancestor "Luban", and the design and production are all completed by itself.

Secondly, it is different from other individual wood products enterprises, such as cabinets, floors, wooden doors, wardrobes and other enterprises. The equipment, design and manufacturing capabilities of these enterprises can only complete single or several products, while the manufacturing capabilities of furniture enterprises can customize all solid wood furniture products for customers. At the same time, the above products can also be tailored for customers.

The market effect shows that the "solid wood overall home furnishing" launched by solid wood furniture enterprises organically integrates the service advantages of home decoration enterprises and the product advantages of other home furnishing enterprises, it can meet customers' demand for "solid wood home life" products and services, and has the distinctive characteristics of stronger integrity, better quality, less decoration, more personalization, more worry-free and money-saving.

One is free design and customization. According to the actual environment of the customer's family, design and equip the required products, and design the 3D effect diagram of the whole house furniture series such as kitchen, bedroom, study, living room, dining room, etc. The customer will feel the experience and make a choice, material and manufacture according to the picture, combine personalized demand with finished furniture products, and do extended service. When customizing, we strive for doors, cabinets, cabinets, walls, etc. The style is unified but not monotonous, the taste is elegant but not vulgar, pleasing to the eye, warm and harmonious.

The second is factory production, standard specification. After the overall design of solid wood furniture home products, the processes of material selection, processing, painting, quality inspection and so on are all completed by modern production lines according to national production standards and environmental protection standards, and the quality and after-sales are absolutely guaranteed.

Third, home environmental protection, health and safety. Solid wood whole house products are all completed in the workshop, and then enter the customer's family. Compared with woodworking site production and home improvement company construction, only the installation is not constructed, and there is no noise, garbage, waste, pollution, environmental protection issues such as radiation.

Fourth, it is time-saving, efficient, convenient and fast. Local solid wood furniture enterprises make overall home furnishing, which has incomparable advantages over other home furnishing service enterprises and institutions and integrates on-site measurement, design, production, delivery, installation and service, all of them are completed by the enterprise's own high-quality professional team; The production and service standards are unified, and there is no "bullshit" problems such as multi-head agreement, multi-party communication, and multiple standards; From ordering to delivery and installation, compared with single product services provided by other enterprises, the service cycle is shortened by more than half.

Fifth, cost reduction and high cost performance. At present, the labor cost of household enterprises has risen again and again, and the door-to-door service of single household products is also price has skyrocketed. However, the overall solid wood home furnishing is handled by one enterprise. The whole service greatly reduces the cost in design, logistics, labor and other aspects. There is no additional expense, which benefits consumers.

Test the comprehensive strength of enterprises

In Shenyang furniture industry, as a new type of home furnishing industry, the overall home furnishing not only reflects the development and changes of the overall home furnishing industry and the market demand, it also shows that the tailor-made marketing model of home and the core elements of people-oriented have become an excellent selling point to attract consumers. In today's era of advocating intensive development and humanized marketing, the marketing method of home furnishing has become a choice of differentiated marketing for furniture enterprises.

It is understood that although solid wood home furnishing is a new service industry, which is in a slow hot state, the huge "Qian Jing" is very tempting. According to a home distribution enterprise, the company has a performance of 30 million yuan a year, and the home distribution market in Shenyang has a large space. It is reported that many local solid wood furniture enterprises are planning to enter the solid wood home furnishing industry. The future housing market will form a situation of mutual competition among solid wood furniture enterprises, decoration companies and housing agencies.

The head of Shenyang furniture industry pointed out that solid wood furniture enterprises entering the home furnishing industry is the choice of diversified development of enterprises, and it is also the promotion of market demand, representing a development trend, I believe some solid wood furniture enterprises have the ability to do it. Due to the large number of solid wood home furnishing projects and high professional requirements, enterprises should have comprehensive strength such as home furnishing design, customization of various products, mastery of production standards, technology, high-quality staff members, after-sales service, etc. At the same time, this new format and industry standard are not clear, and not all solid wood furniture enterprises can get involved.

(Article Source: Wood Kingdom, invasion and deletion)