Xinghewan Falls to the Sixth Son 11.4 Billion Pick Old Change Funds in Xianjiang Village, Guangzhou

Xinghewan falls to the sixth son 11.4 billion pick old change funds in Xianjiang Village, Guangzhou

"Lychee ancient village" Xianjiang village, finally found a destination.

On June 19, the old village reconstruction project of Xianjiang community, Yonghe Street, Huangpu district, Guangzhou city held a voting meeting for cooperative enterprises. After voting by members of Xianjiang community, they agreed (the main) with a consent rate of 100%. Guangzhou Panyu Haiyi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (Cheng) Guangzhou Ruixian Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is a cooperative enterprise of the old village reconstruction project of Xianjiang community.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

it is reported that the above-mentioned company is a subsidiary of xinghewan.

According to the investment invitation document, the total investment amount of demolition and resettlement of the project is about 11.423 billion yuan, and the total land area of the transformation scope is 121.59 hectares.

Through another old village with an investment of tens of billions, this enterprise, which almost never appeared in the open land market, seized another land storage chip. Up to now, this housing enterprise, which started with a mansion, has removed five old changes in the wave of old Changes in Guangzhou.

Take down Xianjiang village

xianjiang jiancun has a long history, which had been under the jurisdiction of zengcheng county for a long time before. In 2005, it was transferred from yonghe district, xintang town, zengcheng to yonghe street, the newly established luogang district. On december 28, 2007, the village was changed into huangpu district.

Specifically, xianjiang village is located at the intersection of changling residential livable area and yonghe intelligent manufacturing area in the central science city area of huangpu district, guangzhou city, north to hefeng village, south to xianjiang park, and west to Vanke mountain view city, east to Yonghe Avenue. The Xianjiang community currently has 8 economic cooperatives, with a total of 5860 registered people, and the actual measured building is about 944300 square meters.

As for the current appearance of the village, some insiders said that although it is not as dirty and messy as other villages in the city, compared with many high-end mature houses and district plans around, hand-held buildings are everywhere, xianjiang village, which lacks unified planning, is still somewhat out of place.

Under the background of the centralized old reform of 66 villages in Huangpu, Xianjiang village also officially launched the consultation of the old Reform intention as early as November, 2019, and then voted on the reform intention with a support rate of 87.1 percent; in September 2020, the exhibition center of the old village reconstruction project of Xianjiang community officially started-and the exhibition center was established by Xinghe Bay.

Therefore, xinghewan, who was involved early in the morning, has been defaulted as the reconstruction provider of the project. However, it is reported that Xianjiang village will actually be built by xinghewan and Science City Group. As a district state-owned enterprise, the latter is mainly responsible for the promotion of preliminary work and the "bottom guarantee".

By May this year, the project will officially be tendered hanging net. According to the survey results of basic data, as of April 30, 2020, the total construction area measured in the old village was 944000 square meters, the land area to be reconstructed was 1.2159 million square meters, and the total investment of demolition and resettlement was 11.423 billion yuan, it is a Big Mac old reform project.

View Real Estate New media understand that the transformation direction of Xianjiang village is also closely related to the industry.

From the general planning direction, it is consistent with the Changling residential plate where it is located, and it will move closer to the direction of building intelligent manufacturing groups; If it is implemented in the Xianjiang community, it will create a collection of residential buildings, high-end office buildings, A large quality community integrating creative industrial park and pension health Park.

Specifically, to transform the enterprise xinghewan, we must introduce the operation organization of the first-class manufacturing innovation center and the first-class enterprise technology center to take charge of the operation, and build an innovation center or a technology center, and promised to be recognized by the provincial level or above within 5 years; Introduce one or self-operated operating organization of the first-class and Provincial Cultural Creative Industry Park (base), import new forms of cultural tourism, gather a batch of animation games, digital music film and television, high-definition video, e-sports and other digital cultural creativity, culture and technology, cultural and tourism equipment manufacturing, smart tourism enterprises, promised to create a municipal-level cultural industry demonstration park (base) within 5 years.

Because of its early intervention, it is not too surprising for the result that Star River Bay finally won the championship.

In addition, the property market characteristics of the project also fit with Xinghe Bay. It is reported that on the property market map, Xianjiang village belongs to the currently hot Changling residential plate of Huangpu.

After the development in recent years, the supporting facilities in the plate have been continuously cashed and the popularity has risen. Changlingju has become a medium and high-end product area. At present, the development of the plate includes Zhongye yijingtai, Tianjian imperial jade seal, Minmetals yiyuntai, Vanke Mountain View city Yishan, Longhu · toujing, Field · Ivy, etc. Among them, the unit price of Villa and duplex has exceeded 60000 yuan/square meter.

This obviously has certain advantages for the construction of Xinghe Bay financing plots.

Of course, the modes of urban renewal and residential development are not the same, and they pay more attention to the abilities of transformation and development, industrial construction, benefit coordination, etc. For xinghewan, a "luxury expert", does the transformation of old villages match its products?

Old change novice

since Huang wenzai, the founder of Guangzhou xinghewan, became popular in 2000, he naturally labeled the enterprise with luxury products.

After Guangzhou xinghewan, it tried to land projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Taiyuan, Shenyang, Chengdu, Qingdao and other cities, trying to replicate the xinghewan model.

According to the past data, the sales volume of xinghewan in 2009 has reached 13 billion yuan, which is in the top 20 of the Interior sales list, with no more than two views.

However, although the reputation of luxury products continues to open, due to the particularity of this product, the development cycle is longer than that of general projects and is not suitable for rapid expansion and replication. This old-brand real estate company, which once guided the coquettish, has been developing slowly in the past ten years. As of last year, it has not reached 30 billion yuan in the 100th sales list in the opinion index, holding the top 100.

Along with the tide of old reform in Guangzhou, Huang wenzai also has a greater planning and scale appeal for Xinghe Bay.

It is reported that at the 2018 meeting, it said that "quality improvement ensures quantity growth", among which urban renewal project is his important means of expansion; In May of the same year, at that time, wu huizhen, vice chairman of xinghewan, also pointed out in an interview with the media that xinghewan attached great importance to the urban renewal project, "which is one of my important tasks at present".

Some insiders pointed out to the new media of view real estate that xinghewan had signed many urban renewal projects in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places before, but it had not been disclosed to the outside.

Until May 28, 2019, the hook machine sound of Luofeng old village in Huangpu district ushered in the official construction, and the trader was the xinghewan.

This project is the old change of xinghe bay. It can be seen that xinghe bay has devoted a lot of manpower and material resources to it, and it took only one year to complete the approval of the project and enter the stage of re-construction.

At that time, Huang Jianhui, the daughter of Huang wenzai and the president of xinghewan, also revealed that there were more than a dozen old reform projects in xinghewan that had been negotiated and reached initial intention, and the total development and construction area would exceed 20 million square meters, most of them are in big Bay Area cities such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Since then, some old reform projects in xinghewan began to gradually enter the public view.

Especially in 2020, since the beginning of August, it has been successively transformed into the old village of Tangbu East Village, Nancun village and the old village of Xiaoluo village of Shatou Street in Panyu Wanbo CBD plate, with an investment of 20.767 billion yuan.

View Real Estate New media access was informed that in 2020, Guangzhou Panyu Haiyi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., the main issuing platform of xinghewan, said in a Bond report, "the company has developed in a leap-forward way in 2020, the newly established operation management center vigorously promotes the construction of full informatization and standardization system, nearly doubled the new land reserve and acquisition projects, and the project financing has increased significantly. "

however, this year, xinghewan officially signed a contract with the old Reform Cooperation in Panyu West Village, Guangzhou in March. The total land area of the project transformation scope is 63.12 hectares, and the estimated total cost of transformation is 7.94 billion yuan. Wu Huizhen, co-chairman of xinghewan, said that the group would build Xiyi village into Binjiang New City, introduce high-end industries, enhance the value of villagers' houses and increase the income of collective property.

Included in the recent Huangpu Xianjiang village, xinghewan has won the bid for six old renovation projects in Guangzhou, which are located in Huangpu district and Panyu district respectively. The estimated renovation cost has reached 46.407 billion yuan.

Although there are tens of billions of renovation costs that make people confused about the financial pressure of these housing enterprises, in fact, the old Reform costs are not a one-time investment. Generally, the larger the area of the old Reform, the greater the development space and value realization will be.

That is to say, the capital pressure involved in the early stage will not be too great, and the demand for the capital will increase gradually; And the general housing enterprises will obtain funds through part of the land develop in the financing area, so as to carry out rolling development.

It is reported that the reconstruction resettlement area and financing area of Luofeng village, a large old reform project in xinghewan, are divided into five phases, and the reconstruction resettlement area and financing area are developed simultaneously in each phase, the investment for the first to fifth phases is 6.785 billion yuan, 4.285 billion yuan, 4.182 billion yuan, 6.193 billion yuan and 3.758 billion yuan respectively.

Xinghe Bay had predicted that the complete development cycle of Luofeng village project was about 10 years.

At the same time, the view of new real estate media found from the bond report that xinghewan also carried out some financing for the old reform projects. For example, it is proposed in the interim Bond report of Haiyi real estate in 2020 that in the second half of the year, the lending efforts will be plus-sized, and the signing and withdrawal of several large-scale projects will be actively promoted, including the remaining lending of Luofeng project; tangbu East Village and South Village deposit project loan loan 0.48 billion yuan, etc.

However, for new beginners like xinghewan, they still hold a certain cautious attitude towards old reform projects. According to the bond report, xinghewan requires that individual urban renewal projects with low demolition difficulty and controllable risks should be selected for deep ploughing in the aspect of old reform to ensure the land reserve in the next 3-10 years.

However, it may take a long time to change from the old to the soil storage, just like Poly, one of Guangzhou's old transformation giants, even if it has dozens of old changes in its hands, so far, only a few projects have been transformed.

As of June 30, 2020, Guangzhou Panyu Haiyi Real Estate showed that its remaining available project scale was 1.5233 million square meters. From the perspective of regional distribution, the proportion of available areas in the first and second tier cities of Xinghe Bay by the end of June 2020 is 14.32% and 64.91% respectively, and the remaining 20.78% are all Shanwei Xinghe Bay.

Among them, in terms of the available value of a single project, the higher is Shenyang xinghewan project, and the remaining available value is 8.966 billion yuan; The second is Shanwei xinghewan project, and the remaining available value is 4.769 billion yuan in total.

It can be seen that the residential development projects supporting the sales of Xinghe Bay are still medium and high-end, and there is still a long time before the old Reform and harvest period.

(Article Source: Jiwu, invasion and deletion)